I miss my Figurine of the Colossus
Oh, how many times I farmed Shattered Halls to get this trinket. It must have been at least fifty times I dragged Ildara, Cendra, and Dargu through that ooze-infested sewer system, the fiery gauntlet, and the hallway of ninjas. Unlike my amazing luck with the Sun Eater (first try in Heroic Mech it dropped), the Figurine eluded me for as long as it could.
It was an amazing piece back in BC, when being unhittable was the norm. I sent most of BC farming heroics with friends so believe me when I say the Figurine was firmly cemented into one of my two trinket slots. Where it truly shined, though, was out in the wild when AOEing down huge packs of melee mobs.
The gold standard for this activity was the Demon Hunter Supplicant farming outside of Black Temple. I spent a lot of time there, buffed with (the old) Blessing of Sanctuary, my shield-spiked Petrified Lichen Guard in one hand, Sun Eater in the other, and a Figurine of the Colossus on my bars. They never knew what hit them. The good ol’ days!
It’s a shame that a similar item doesn’t exist in Wrath. I know being unhittable has fallen out of vogue between the death of Crushing and the onset of Chill of the Throne, but there was always something about activating a trinket while in the midst of 40 meleeing mobs and watching your health continuously crawl up to full from 50%. That was one of the greatest things about being a Pally Tank in TBC, the feeling you could take on an army all by yourself (as long as there were no casters!), made all the easier with this remarkable item.
I still have my Figurine in my bank. I’ll probably never use it again, but it’s one of those items I can just never sell or delete.
I never had a prot spec until months after I could have two, but I knew I’d give tanking a try after questing near BT and watching a purpled-out Prot wear down a city’s worth of those mobs. And to think the only reason I paused overhead was to see if he’d need some healing…
30 April 2010 at 3:07 pm #
On my server there were only two prot pallies that really knew about that terrace, myself and some other guy, so I’d often race to beat the other guy to any respawns of those huge packs. He usually won.
Lavanthor’s Talisman was such a sad replacement to the Figurine.
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1 May 2010 at 2:11 am #
I do miss that trinket to, I was luckey enough to get mine first run but the Suneater did elude me for many weeks.
I also have my Colossus in the bank for the same reasons its just one of those things from the old days that I can bring myself to delete like my S2 SP mace or my Darkmoon Card Vengence.
3 May 2010 at 9:20 am #
Yes! I still have the Vengeance card as well. That was a great threat trinket.
1 May 2010 at 2:05 pm #
Sometimes I really wish I hadn’t had altitis and would have leveled to 70 in enough time to really experience TBC stuff. There are still instances I haven’t done, Shattered Halls being one of them, and I would love to do it!
Another one I loved was the dodge trinket from Moroes, the one that had the clock icon (can’t remember the name right now) :)
There are similar ones in Wrath, but I took that one with me all the way up to BT.
Moroes Pocketwatch. They were a good combo for some time while raiding.
The Figurine made Shattered Halls speed runs fun.
The figurine’s synergy with paladins brought a lot of attention to our class and I feel pay a large part in what we are today.
And yes, I still have it in my bank. Along with my Verigan’s Fist.
3 May 2010 at 9:19 am #
Likewise, I still have my Blood-Tempered Ranseur. I can bring myself to ditch it.
I hoard a lot.
Heh, all belf pallys should keep that one :P
Call it lore-crazyness :)