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Addons I Love: AVR

When I set out to write this post I didn’t realize how behind the times I was with this addon. While AVR (short for Augmented Virtual Reality), in the version I have downloaded and setup, works with BigWigs for Icecrown boss encounters, apparently there’s been a shuffle with the mod making it so BigWigs is not longer needed. So, I’m thankfully spared detailing the dance you need to do to make this addon work with BigWigs while not clash with your bossmods of choice.

Instead, just grab the base AVR pack, and then AVR Encounters.

Now, I’m sure the functionality has remained the same, so let’s talk a bit about the Encounters side of this glorious piece of work. While you can use to the mod to put custom textures down on the ground for everyone in your raid to see (provided they have the mod), the really amazing part of this addon is how it streamlines (perhaps “dumbs-down” is a better word) certain boss mechanics.

For example, on Festergut, the mod will put a massive red circle under the spores.

This will show everyone the range of the spore so they can be sure to stand in its fungus-y embrace. For myself, as the tank and raid leader, it especially facilitates my job by making it take a split second to see if there are two spores in melee so I can order one to run out.

In the Rotface fight, AVR is a lifesaver. When a Big Ooze explodes and fires its slime rockets into the air, AVR will put red circles on the ground under where everyone was standing so you can guess where a rocket might hit the ground, making dodging them a cakewalk.

Once I get everyone in the raid to get set up with this addon, this will finally kill the much-maligned “Leg Shuffle” strategy. Rather than “everyone move to the other leg,” I can just say “don’t stand in the red circle, ya idjits.”

On Putricide, AVR is unfortunately a little buggy, but still a world of help. It will put a red circle under where a Malleable Goo is going to land.

Unfortunately, AVR only tracks one of three goos. But, at least it will mitigate some of the damage and help melee know in P3 if they’re about to get murdered by a goo falling on their heads. Alternatively, there’s an option for Putricide where you can have AVR put a red circle under everyone when Malleable Goo is cast, so people just need to not stand in a red circle to avoid getting it. That would work well, but I can see it being a headache for melee.

Lastly, we only saw a little bit of Sindragosa on Wednesday night (sidenote: first time we got to her, woo) but AVR demonstrated its effectiveness in all its glory for this fight. It puts a circle under every Frost Beacon so they can space themselves out and hopefully people won’t go into their circle and get frozen as well. We only got two tries in, but I can see this mod making the learning curve a lot more forgiving on this fight.

According to the AVRE page, they cover Marrowgar, Lady D, Blood Queen, and Lich King as well now. I can’t wait to try out these fights with the new version.

If you are using this mod I’d like to hear your impressions of it.


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  1. Joe Ego
    April 16, 2010 at 12:25 pm #

    This is great to know. I originally saw mention of AVR at Tales of a Priest.
    Derevka posted a quick video illustrating the possibilities of the addon when used as a pre-fight strategy design tool. I had no idea it could work dynamically like you described above.

  2. Hana
    April 16, 2010 at 3:05 pm #

    I can’t believe such a mod exists! :O I’m going to have to give it a shot!
    .-= Hana’s last blog ..[Paladin] Thoughts on the Preview =-.

  3. Kerriodos
    April 16, 2010 at 3:37 pm #

    I like the idea behind this addon and will be bringing it up with my guild/raid leader. Hopefully we can tighten our performance on 25 Lich King, since most of our issues seem to be raid positioning. Is there a way to set up custom strategies or anything, to modify for guild preference, etc?

    Also, for Sindragosa I’m actually going to suggest not relying on it. Your biggest problem isn’t going to be spacing–the stairs provide a good outline for that at corners. Instead you need to make sure that people kill the iceblocks in a timely-but-not-too-fast manner and that people are where they’re supposed to be. Best way to do this is with the marks your boss encounter addon gives them. Give each mark a pre-determined spot. For example, for my guild we use a modified version of the “official” strategy there we have two tiers of blocks. Halfway up the stairs, from left to right, we have Skull, then X. We can blow these up immediately, providing people pay attention to their position in relation to the lower blocks and use them to LoS. This eases the frantic grind on the blocks as she lands (read: trivializes it). Along the bottom of the stairs at the three middle corners, we have Square, Moon, then Triangle. These ones you slow-roll and blow up after the last ice bomb.

    Spend 5 or 10 minutes drilling the positions into your raiders heads. Guide them into position and mark them. Make them write it down on sticky notes. Test them by randomly marking raid members and telling them to go to their position. Like I said, spreading out isn’t hard, it’s spreading out in the right places.

    Aaaaand, if you’ve already worked all this out, all the power to you.

  4. adgamorix
    April 16, 2010 at 5:41 pm #

    What’s the memory usage of this mod?
    .-= adgamorix’s last blog ..DS/DG Revisited, Aura Mastery hotness, and Sacred Shield love =-.

  5. griims
    April 16, 2010 at 8:35 pm #

    So with this do u not need a bossmod then?

  6. Christian
    April 16, 2010 at 8:54 pm #

    Am I the only one that thinks this makes it all a little to easy?

  7. Vorian87
    April 17, 2010 at 7:47 am #

    Any addon makes raiding easy. It’s more about getting that edge for people who are able to execute fights properly. Fail people will fail less but they will fail nonetheless.

  8. Falowin
    April 17, 2010 at 11:26 am #

    I definitely see the advantage of it, but I am surprised that Blizzard does not outlaw it.

  9. Vorian87
    April 17, 2010 at 2:50 pm #

    @ Falowin

    gotta wait and see on that one.

  10. Lark
    April 18, 2010 at 2:02 pm #

    This is very cool! We took a 5 man group into Sindragosa last night just to try it and see what it looked like. Even the people who generally suffer from low frame rates and anything new messing wih their graphics seemed to have no problems with it at all. Obviously we need to see if the same is true with 25 in there but so far so good.

    If the test group has no issues with it this week it may become one of the required tools for raiding. Let’s face it, if you have this and STILL can’t get out of the bad stuff you probably shouldn’t be in the encounter!

    Thanks for the pointer to the new toy!
    .-= Lark’s last blog ..Lines in the Sand – Part II and Updates! =-.