My preview predictions
I think before the end of the day today we’re going to know what Cataclysm holds for us. Because of this I wanted to get my guesses out on paper, so to speak, so I can engage in some vigorous toldjasoing tomorrow–or, you know, emphasize I was just guessing and you really can predict this stuff.
The obvious stuff
Early strike – Shamans got their primal strike with the reasoning of making it easier to level as Enhance. This is great (though a bit late for my alt) and points to a design intent to bend the leveling difficulty curve so it’s not such a boring auto-attack-fest early on. Pallies among other classes definitely need more buttons to push at the beginning. A baseline Crusader Strike, trainable at level 1, would be great.
Indeed, Zarhym teased us with this post:
Here’s something:
…will be a core ability for all paladins, gained at level 1…
I think that will be Crusader Strike.
An honest-to-goodness interrupt – Now that we cannot self-cleanse magic, having a short cooldown, off-GCD interrupt will be critical. I think it will happen. Also, name prediction: Rebuke.
Divine Storm nerf – They slapped down Whirlwind for Warriors, saying they didn’t want it used for single-target damage. DS will probably get the same treatment, 50% damage for all mobs.
A middle heal – Priests got a middle heal between Flash and Greater. I expect Holy will get the same to sit between FoL and HL.
Damage reduction
Every other tank got the first two, so those are gimmes. For the third one, the design philosophy for the longest time has been Warriors block more damage, Paladins block more often. With the former getting Critical Block as their third mastery effect, I’m expecting the trend to continue with us getting an old talent redesigned to let us block more often. Personally, I expect that to be Redoubt, an effect that will proc for a set amount of more block chance, with the Redoubt proc to be affected by your Mastery stat. Money’s on the table!
The speculation
Close that gap! — This is my hail mary. It’s obvious that Blizzard is trending towards homogenizing tank toolboxes–the latest step being DKs eventually getting a Demoralizing Shout effect. One of the last differences between the tank classes is a gap closer. Warriors and Druids can charge, DKs can Death Grip, and we can… face pull. Or toss a shield and then face pull. Point being, I think this will change. Here’s my hope and dream for the lvl 85 spell:
Crusader’s Charge (level 85): The Paladin hurls themselves toward a targeted spot, discharging a burst of holy energy when they land. Each tree will tack on an extra effect to the spell. Holy will convert that holy damage into heals. Ret will silence up to three enemies when they land, in addition to holy damage. Prot will daze up to three enemies when they land, in addition to holy damage. Will share a cooldown with Avenger’s Shield.
This might be a little pie in the sky, but with the greater emphasis on movement, I think a gap closer is in the cards. Even one not as ridiculous as the ability I just outlined.
Seal of Command – With Crusader Strike (probably) going baseline, this will jump up to being Ret’s 41-point ability to keep it out of reach of Prot Pallies.
Heavy bubble nerf for Ret – The trend in Wrath has been make Ret less of a defensive dps (quote GC: “A defensive dps spec just doesn’t work”) and more of a straight and narrow, offensive dps. That means gutting their abilities to manage debuffs (aka, the Cleanse nerf), self-heal, and reduce incoming damage. I fully expect to see Divine Shield to either be removed entirely, or put out of reach of Ret Paladins.
Major revamp of Prot abilities – 969 will be taken out back and murdered. Our rotation will become something more of a priority system, with either a dot to manage or a proc to watch.
I have absolutely no idea what our 81/83 spells will be. And, I can’t even begin to guess. I’m sure one will be something healing oriented, and one damage oriented. I doubt we’ll see a damage reduction spell, especially with Sacred Shield at 80.
Now that I’ve ventured out into the great unknown, it’s Blizz’s turn. Come on guys, wow me.
why does everyone want to get rid of the bubble? sheesh
Crusader’s Charge should have some kind of ghostly horse graphic and sound that accompanies you. That would be sweet.
I’d love to have a bit more mobility. Warbringer on my warrior is really great.
That said, it seems like feral druids still don’t have a ranged silence, so they may not be looking for 100% parity in basic tanking tools.
I could see a ranged slow given to ret pallies. Something that works kind of the opposite of death knights chains of ice. Call it Guilt Trip or something… the target is wracked with guilt and moves 10% slower… any movement increases the effect up to 90%. The effect goes away if the target stays still for 5 seconds. This makes the ret pally much harder to kite and eliminates the need for a “gap closer”
For prot pallies… how bout an ability like Edric in ToC. Radiance being a prot ability that disorients all targets in a 20 yard frontal cone aoe. Last 4 seconds and breaks on damage. Shares a cd with avengers shield. This lets the pally just lock the group in place till he gets there.
What’s my main Again?’s last blog ..Its been quite the journey
“Crusader’s Charge (level 85): [...] Holy will convert that holy damage into heals.”
I ROFL’d. On the one hand it would be one of the most ridiculous abilities in the game. On the other hand it provides a solution to paladin healing mobility. Definitely a lot less elegant than Spiritwalker’s Grace, but there’s never been anything very elegant about paladin healing or plate wearers in general.
13 April 2010 at 2:47 pm #
@Joe: Oh, but how awesome would it be to see Healadins whizzing across the battle, slamming into the ground in a flash of golden light and throwing green numbers up above all their compatriots’ heads? I can’t think of a better ability for you guys! :)
@WMMA?: That would also fit the bill, but I’m not going to lie, I want an actual movement-involved gap closer. I want to whoosh across the room and slam my hammer in the face of the nearest mob.
@Argon: That’s a good point! I still think though everyone getting some kind of movement or speed increasing ability points out a similar thing happening to us.
@ RhIdach- As someone who has played everything… my advice is just to go roll a warrior :P
I love the mobility and feel of the warrior which is why he is my go to tank over my paladin… but at the same time the paladin has its own unique feel.
As opposed to charge… what about some form of holy sprint? Move 100% faster for 6 seconds and cannot be stunned, slowed or CC’d during that time and doesn’t share a cd with hand of freedom?
Or… I’ll trade you my charge for ardent defender :D
What’s my main Again?’s last blog ..Its been quite the journey
13 April 2010 at 5:41 pm #
I love the fact that all Paladin bloggers are on basicly the same page for what were looking for in the preview. To be honist I hadn’t thought of the efects of the removal of Cleanse on us getting a interupt or a gap closer.
Love your idea of that charge to Rhid, even without the aditional effects if it delt damage and had a holy talent make it heal it would be amasinly cool.
@What’s I know I can’t speak for Rhidach but I know that as much I would like a gap closer, I wouldn’t trade my Pally for a warrior because we didn’t get one. The big flaw with Paladin tanks is our lack of mobility and while I’d like a charge the most for the same reason Rhidach stated I would be happy with a movement speed increaser. So far the addition charge for warriors has gotten a lot of attention with people forgetting druids now have a charge and 40% speed increase.
Orthien’s last blog ..Cataclysm Previews
It would certainly be awesome, but (just like rocket packs) a ridiculous ability. An over the top light show would go great with the pink raid frames and tier gear too! Yeah, I’ve gone over the edge and love the class.
As long as I still get to heal from melee range most of the time, I’ll be happy.