So much Cataclysm news

Looks like Blizz is gearing up for the Cataclysm beta shortly, slow leaks of Cata info are starting to pick up the pace, threatening to build up to a torrent. For starters, they leaked how rage would be redesigned, and then followed up with a description of how dispel mechanics would work in the next expansion. The latter affects us, particularly these two points:

Paladins will be able to dispel defensive magic, diseases, and poison.

Protection and Retribution paladins will lose their current ability to dispel magic.

So it sounds like baseline Cleanse will remove diseases and poison, and magic dispelling will be made a Holy talent. Interesting.

Then this morning, we awoke to this ominous announcement of our imminent class preview:

The paladin is still deep in development. Instead of giving a preview that would be potentially less comprehensive than the other classes we made the decision to post it when it’s ready, in order to properly honor the paladin class and those that play them. The wait isn’t too long however as we’re expecting to be able to post it on April 16.

I wonder what this means? Personally I hope it’s a confirmation that big changes are coming to all of our trees and that Blizz is actively taking into consideration my wise counsel and prognostications, haha.

I can’t wait for April 16th to see what’s in store for us.

5 Comments to “So much Cataclysm news”

  1. Psynister 6 April 2010 at 9:03 am #

    Please, please, let it be that 969 is going to die and that the class will be more interesting to play. My pally has been sitting at level 78 for months, and will likely never see 79 unless something big comes along that makes me actually look at the screen while I tank.

    It would be great if they gave us more than just Judgement and Consecrate to use while leveling up as well. I still see a lot of paladins leveling up as Ret and even trying to tank as Ret up into Outlands, then switching to Prot and hating it for how boring it is to play.
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  2. Brooks 6 April 2010 at 9:06 am #

    Given that we are getting the update a week after everybody else I’m thinking the news will be pretty huge. I’m really excited, the warrior and dispelling notes that they’ve dropped so far are very interesting.

  3. Antigen
    6 April 2010 at 11:24 am #

    It’s amazing that after so much time, they STILL don’t feel that they have it right. I understand you have to change some things for Cataclysm, but I’m thinking they have bigger ideas.

  4. Sid 6 April 2010 at 11:38 am #

    Can’t wait for April 16th

    I hope they make Ret more interesting to play. Prot is okay for me. Holy could use a little AoE love (I know it’s supposed to be single target healing, but an emergency AoE heal with a extremely long cooldown could help)

  5. David Carvalho 6 April 2010 at 12:06 pm #

    From what I read, I expect mainly Protection to suffer quite a decent amount of changes. Blizz seems interested in giving players a lot of buttons and not make rotations so straight forward, which could end with the 96969 rotation.

    I also remember reading something about tank having different rotations for single target tanking and trash tanking, which quite honestly, is one of the aspects I love about DK Frost and (to a lesser extent though) Warrior tanking. Paladins should could use some work in that aspect.