10% ICC buff is live
So Hellscream’s Warsong/Strength of The Chynn is now up to 10%. Putting aside any misgivings about the nerf to the instance, etc etc, the bigger question is what this means to us tanks?
With the free health this buff gives (potentially in the neighborhood of a free 5,000 hp), the issue arises of how much health is too much health? And, if we reach this hp plateau, should be start to gem or gear differently?
Wrathy thinks the time is now and proposes gemming beyond straight stamina again. Obviously, because he’s in the 25man hardmodes he’s dealing with a different animal, but nonetheless the lessons trickle down to us normal 10/25 raiders as well.
Does a tank really need to have 60k hp in 10man normal mode? At that point wouldn’t it make more sense to scale back and boost avoidance, to free up some mana for your healers?
Perhaps. I need to do some more thinking about this, and particularly see how the buff to the buff affects tonight’s raid.
30 March 2010 at 1:32 pm #
Get it right, it’s Whinescream’s Warsong :P
30 March 2010 at 1:40 pm #
Should make tonight’s 10m heroic ICC interestingly awesome.
Well, someone basically needs to do the same breakdown that Wrathy did but for reg modes.
Which is the hardest hitting mob, how hard does he hit for and how much dmg can he do in a 2 swing + special. This sets the EH minimum that allows you to start gemming away from pure stam.
Hopefully the internet supplies these numbers before one has to work it out for themself.
30 March 2010 at 2:02 pm #
I suppose that would be surviving Soul Reaper plus a hit or two (thanks to his haste bonus) immediately afterwards. Probably a good benchmark. Once you can make it through that without sweating, you’re probably golden.
I think Wrathy uses the same benchmark, actually.
@Rhidach – That is, in fact, the benchmark that Wrathy is using for the hardmode version. And this is exactly the kind of thinking I was talking about last week. We’re close enough now that we need to start marking the lines and knowing when we’ve passed them so that we can continue to intelligently gem/chant.
30 March 2010 at 3:05 pm #
Yes, but last week was 5%. Ah, how times change. Come, let us reminisce.
30 March 2010 at 4:14 pm #
Just to clarify, the napkin math I did and the results I came up were from normal mode lk. Meloree pulled HM LK 10 last weekend so I’ll have to ninja his parse to get some data. It is safe to say that te benchmark I set is for LK normal and most hard modes, LK hard mode is a whole different beast with a different requirement.
If we see that 10 man hard mode takes 60k plus then 25 man will probably be safe in the 70k range.
Thus far – I’m leaning toward “no such thing as too much health” for LK HM, 10 or 25, so I’m not going to be regemming any time soon. For anything else, hybrid gemming is probably better.
We are soon pushing into hard modes so I guess I’ll wait and see how things go there before i do a fully switch around of gems.
Kuro’s last blog ..Dark days are coming!
I’m definitely going to be waiting to gem differently before hardmodes. I find out on thursday night if we can finally get that last push we needed to get LK. I need more badges though because I would like my pillars of might soon.