Hmm: Taunt hit chance changing?

I’m going to vote for not interesting gameplay.

At the very least, you should be able to reduce your chance to miss a Taunt to zero if you reduce your chance to miss with a weapon to zero. It’s also possible we’ll just let them always hit. (Source)

Taunts going on the melee hit table is a long overdue change. Taunts always hitting seems like unnecessary trivialization. I would prefer the former.

Make it so, GC.

4 Comments to “Hmm: Taunt hit chance changing?”

  1. Sid 30 March 2010 at 10:25 am #


    I hate missing things. Hit is an ok stat for dps’ers, as a tank I’d rather not gear for it.

  2. David Carvalho 30 March 2010 at 11:36 am #

    You’ll probably get some hit for threat anyway, it is not like tanks walk around with zero hit these days.

    Besides, missing a taunt or two won’t hurt. Maybe the DPS will watch their threat a little more. :P

  3. jgalt 30 March 2010 at 12:36 pm #

    The best would be if taunts could miss, and blizz designed encounters requiring 100% of your taunts to hit, and you needed all of your tanks to get 4 tier pieces of gear from that instance to make sure the taunts hit. Also, if you could need 8 tanks for the fights, that would be awesome.

    Make it so Blizz!

  4. Rhidach
    30 March 2010 at 12:43 pm #

    I like the idea of taunts missing somewhat, if you’re not maxed out on melee hit. Spices up things if there’s a taunt fail, and if you don’t want to deal with that you can swap around pieces and take a survivability hit to optimize your taunting.

    The 4HM situation however is the exact opposite of what I would considering good design.