3.3.3 Paladin changes
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No news is good news!
Actually, about the only “big news” for our class this patch is the tooltip for Sacred Duty was changed to acknowledge the 4% stamina nerf.
I’ll take a simple tooltip change over AOE nerfs any day of the week.
Aye, though knowing the nerfs are coming is not good! Especially as we see hefty buffs for both DKs and Warriors (not that they weren’t needed of course).
23 March 2010 at 9:47 am #
For sure. I feel a bit like Schroedinger’s cat right now, haha.
23 March 2010 at 10:38 am #
If you remember 3.2, the nerf came in a Hotfix after the patch went live and we all thought we dodged the bullet.
It felt good to make it through the patch without any changes, even if we know that the giant nerf bat looms mightily for us.
Molsan’s last blog ..Molsan Method Podcast – Episode 24 – Raid Chemistry
regarding war and Dk buffs, I found myself lately in problems while trying to keep aggro on me when tanking next to warr in ICC especially it is visible on Marrowgar where I start tanking, go into full 969 rotation but than I notice warr friend is near me on like 99% of aggro.
and yday I was in ICC 10 also on marrowgar with my dw frost DK tank. pala tank pulled boss and at 1 point i took the boss from pala (but my rune strike was available alot).
any1 noticed something similar? (just for ref: my pala has 5900GS (hit 8% and exp 7% , warr had 5700gs and in ICC10 my DK was on 5200gs and pala on 5300)
24 March 2010 at 9:31 am #
@Soul: Warrior single target threat is crazy right now. They’re probably going to be ripping things off you left and right now.
@Tankadin: I can see Revenge getting toned down in the near future. I don’t know about Icy Touch, though. Seems like they want that to hit by a truck, giving it a 14x threat modifier and all, haha.
We may actually be ok. If anything they’re going to have to nerf Icy Touch and warrior threat too. After 3.3.3 paladins are going to be struggling to hold threat against them.