The farm night cocktail

With Frost Lotus prices through the roof you probably don’t want (or can’t afford) to burn flasks on anything less than progression. For those less than important boss encounter though, you should have some degree of extra consumable survivability up. For those easy going nights I recommend the one-two punch of the farm night cocktail: Elixir of Protection coupled with the delicate, earthy tones of a Guru’s Elixir.

With a Stoneblood Flask you get a flat 1300 health for 1 hour, deaths or no deaths.

Elixir of Protection gives 800 armor (which is awesome especially at higher armor levels), and Guru’s Elixir gives 20 stamina along with other stats that works out to 220 hp (or 242 with Kings/Sanc).

Instead of the Elixir of Protection, if you’re more comfortable with straight health, you can use the Elixir of Mighty Fortitude for 350 hp, for 592 hp total. The hp5 is negligible. Overall though, the armor though is definitely better for most fights, especially once your armor pile starts getting massive.

On farm nights I probably go through a fair share of elixirs (less with no wipes, a’course) and they provide just what I need: a cheap alternative to flasking that provides comfortable survivability in exchange for not having to bum flasks off of Ildara every raid night.

4 Comments to “The farm night cocktail”

  1. Lanaka 24 February 2010 at 1:34 pm #

    I happen to do this as well, but I use Agility + Protection, for the extra armor/avoidance boost. I swap Agi for the Str elixir every now and then, when I need more of a threat boost, or some extra block value (I chain chugged Str Elixirs + buff food when doing ToGC 10). Elixirs are a great way to get some variation in how you prep for a boss encounter, especially when you’re doing farm fights.

  2. Taynka 24 February 2010 at 1:53 pm #

    I never carry flask with me. I really don’t think they make or break the raid. So i’ll hold on to my gold for now.

  3. Seale 26 February 2010 at 5:27 am #

    I always use a flask but thats merely because I can make them myself. This also results in a flask lasting for 2 hours instead of 1.

    Apart from that a flask on our server is going for 35-45g and Frost Lotus are like 60-70g nowadays.

    So overall its not a big money loss for me.
    Seale’s last blog ..Applications and you! My ComLuv Profile

  4. Meloree 1 March 2010 at 7:49 pm #

    I think you’re backwards. For a lot of bosses, Elixirs is the superior combinations. I flask for farm content, because it’s the lazy-man’s solution.