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Prot farming Lovely Charms

Lovely Charms are somewhat of a rare commodity–going for huge chunks of gold on the auction house (as bracelets), and being divvied up sparingly by various miserly mobs. For the achievement alone I needed 120 of these random drops, and was looking for the quickest, least painful way to get them.

I first tried Ulduar on Tuesday, but apparently Blizz moved exceptionally fast and hotfixed that tactic (along with any other mobs you kill with a vehicle). I put out some feelers for a spot with lots of meleeing, aoe-able creatures. A guildie offered up a spot suggestion: by the Avatar of Freya in Sholazar Basin.

I cannot agree enough, that spot was amazing. The Bonescythe Scavengers constantly respawn and keep coming. They’re short-lived, melee only, and drop decent silver/cloth. Over the course of twenty minutes I farmed up 50 charms.

I was killing them so fast that I barely had time to loot before another wave spawned.

Where have you been farming these items? Have any better spots?

February 11, 2010


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  1. cyphirx
    February 11, 2010 at 2:27 pm #

    I’ve been farming right under Dal where one of the dailies are located. There’s usually a crapton of folks there, but things spawn so quickly there is no time to loot. I think in 2 hours one night I made probably 10 necklaces with severe lag. I’ll have to give this spot a look though.
    And just a reminder, you don’t need to tag them, just get the killing blow. ;)
    I had many a person try to steal my kills only to have nothing for the next 5 minutes chased anything they went for.

  2. Tyin
    February 11, 2010 at 2:43 pm #

    I’ve just been collecting them as I run random Heroics. Usually about 30 or more for 15-30 minutes of work depending on the dungeon. Not amazing but I’m doing the dungeons anyways.

  3. Psynister
    February 11, 2010 at 2:45 pm #

    I haven’t exactly been farming them, but I’ve been running instances a lot on my 65 DK and he’s got enough AoE and high enough dps that he ends up with the majority of the killing blows. I average about 5 charms per dungeon run when I’m the only one doing any real AoE, but with mages and locks in the group that number drops quite a bit.

    If you’re not strictly looking to farm them, but certainly don’t mind getting them, then running instances is where it’s at.
    .-= Psynister’s last blog ..Real PUGs of Power: Mr. I Had A Group Full Of Win’s Guys =-.

  4. Xalorum
    February 11, 2010 at 3:55 pm #

    My hunter LW/Skinner has been in that flat area between the blue women and Sons of Hodir. The pack of mammoths who run around are first priority, then the mammoths and then the worms. Tons of leather, chunks o’ mammoth, worm meat and jormungar scales.
    The leather and scales I turn into Drums of War which sell well on my server, the meat gets sold (and always sells on my server) and the charms are a bonus.

    PLUS, if someone else is stepping on your toes, which happens there anyway, I still shoot at the tagged mobs because you don’t have to ‘own’ the mob to have a chance at the charms. Seems almost unfair.

  5. Elladrion
    February 11, 2010 at 3:56 pm #

    MMOchampion just had a blue post about it so I think they hotfixed it, but ulduar was amazing. Get in a demolisher, start up the even and spam 1 as 3 towers worth of iron dwarves funnel into the killing zone. Filled my bags with charms in about an hour, had the entire meta done in about 3 hours total

  6. LabRat
    February 11, 2010 at 4:53 pm #

    I like the Convicted Heroes (or whatever the hell they are called) that are a daily target from the Argent Tournament up in Icecrown. They don’t have a spawn rate like the skellies around Freya, which I will have to try, but being able to pick up a pack of 5-7 at once and burn them down is pretty great for a prot pally.
    .-= LabRat’s last blog ..Operant =-.

    • Rhidach
      February 11, 2010 at 5:16 pm #

      I tried those guys and I think I just had bad luck with them. Didn’t get many charms. The money they dropped was very nice though, and all the greys.

  7. Brett Thomas
    February 11, 2010 at 5:17 pm #

    I’ve been farming the Converted Heroes in Icecrown. They’re grouped together, they’re undead. You throw on Blessing of Sanctuary, Seal of Light, Judge Wisdom, and AoE all of them at once and you end the fight with more health and mana than you start with.

    I got the 40 charms I needed for the daily in 10 – 15 minutes (plus they drop a lot of greens that you can sell or DE).
    .-= Brett Thomas’s last blog ..On Tank/Healer Mixes in LFD =-.

  8. Hairy
    February 11, 2010 at 5:22 pm #

    I was just farming a bunch of these. I ginded for a while at the fleshworks in icecrown. There’s a small plateau on the mountain where a whole lot of undead with very fast respawn rate walk around (close to a bunch of teleporters). They’ve only got 3-4k health, so they’re very easy kills. It’s suprisingly quiet there also, so I shouldn’t actually be giving the spot away I guess, luckily I don’t care that much about the achievements. Besides, there are many spots in icecrown that are pretty good for grinding, I do think this is the easiest though.

  9. Dorgol
    February 11, 2010 at 6:49 pm #

    I’ve seen some people visit wrath upon the Frenzyheart and Oracle tribes. Both groups have a selection of mobs that die really, really fast but are clumped up in nice bunches.

  10. Tijeras
    February 11, 2010 at 7:34 pm #

    I have been flipping to ret and just killing the mobs that were added to crystalsong for the quest. I know I annoy the hell out of people with my fast tagging of mobs. They respawn faster than you can kill them it seems. I farmed 80 last night in about 10 minutes. Divine Storm has a pretty big radius and I can tag 5 at a time with it.
    .-= Tijeras’s last blog ..Protadin: Another thing I do, if you spam post meters, yeah good luck staying on them. I’ll pull packs out of aoe or away from melee :) /evil =-.

  11. reene
    February 12, 2010 at 6:13 am #

    The bombing runs in Icecrown are the easiest and quickest way to rack up those charms. There are tons of mobs to kill – that do give you credit- and you have no risk of dying. Plus you can get a couple daily quests done at the same time.

    There is also a quest at the Shadow Vault that sends over to a harpoon launcher at Jotunheim. Same concept applies, but it doesn’t seem to net you so many as quickly as the bombing runs.

  12. anafielle
    February 12, 2010 at 11:00 am #

    I second (third? fourth?) the Converted Heroes in icecrown. Very easy as a prot pally to just pick up a huge group.

    I’m kicking myself that I didn’t pick up this freaking quest before I raided this week. I was late starting the holiday, and when my 10m went to Ulduar to finish drakes I saw all the Lovely Charm spam (this was pre-nerf) and thought, “Man I wish I had that quest…”
    .-= anafielle’s last blog ..Hold on before you pull, I can’t find my beer opener =-.

  13. Alan
    February 13, 2010 at 4:47 am #

    weird about them going for unusual amounts, on aman’thul they go for about 5g each…

  14. l'étranger
    February 16, 2010 at 6:44 am #

    “Lovely Charms are somewhat of a rare commodity–going for huge chunks of gold on the auction house, and being divvied up sparingly by various miserly mobs.”

    ummm Lovely Charms? BoP.

    I guess you meant the Lovely Charm Bracelets, which are not BoP.

    • Rhidach
      February 16, 2010 at 9:11 am #

      @l’étranger: That is indeed what I meant. Thanks for the correction.

  15. Trevor
    February 16, 2010 at 7:13 am #

    I found that the area near ICC where all the saronite forges are was a great spot for my holy pally to aoe farm charms as there are a group of 20-21 skeletons standing around 2 large tables that can be gathered up easy as well as killed fairly fast, then after that i fly to a sorta ledge area near there where you can find about 18 death knight trainees pulling them is somewhat difficult though once i kill the acolytes i can just fly back the the first area and by that time all the skeletons will be respawned
    Screen shots:

  16. Hal
    February 16, 2010 at 8:35 am #

    My preferred location is Malykriss. You can gather up all the skeletal blacksmiths there and then just AoE them down (this nets me about 10 charms for the crowd). The best part is, by the time you’ve killed them all and looted all the corpses, they’re all back up and ready collect again!
    .-= Hal’s last blog ..Forging science in the CRUcible =-.

  17. Evadne
    February 16, 2010 at 10:19 am #

    Sapphire Hive in Sholazar. I can farm them both on my hunter and on my disc priest with relative ease with enough of a break to loot if I felt like it.

  18. Peddel
    February 16, 2010 at 12:49 pm #

    Altough you can only do it once a day AN Heroic is also a very good place with all those small spiders