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The Blood Council has a 10 min enrage timer

How do I know this? Oh, we fought them for 10 minutes and 3 seconds last night.

But how? you might ask. Wouldn’t that require most of your raid being de–

Yes, yes it would. And yes, yes they were.

The jinx was Demogar promised us twice the dkp we would normally get for the kill if we one shot the Princes. I scoffed, but whatever.

So, the fight stats … and 18.5% of the way in (according to WoL) we lost a healer and four dps. A little bit later we lost some melee and another healer. At this point I would have been prepared to wipe it and try again. But oh no, there was extra dkp on the line, everyone wanted to keep going. So we did.

About five minutes in we lost another chunk of dps. And we kept going.

Eight minutes into the fight and we’re at the 15% range, and Demo buys the farm. Taldaram goes wild and one shots a few people before I can pick him up. Now I’m tanking both guys with few healers left up and watching my hp yo-yo up and down.

The enrage timer is starting to get really close. By the 9 minute mark there was still 8% or so to go with only 9 of us left standing. It was going to be a photo finish.

Timer finally counts down the last few seconds, people yelling out health percentages in vent, and then it hits 0. The Princes enrage, their big one-shotting attack misses me and someone manages to pluck away the last bit of health.

The Princes go down with the nine of us left standing. Epic kill.

And yes, we all got our extra dkp.

February 10, 2010


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  1. Joe Ego
    February 10, 2010 at 2:47 pm #

    Congrats on the miss!

    Sounds like last week’s ICC10 Princes. I think we had 4 left with 2 tanks. One of those “it’s over, really?” endings because I was buried in my frames.

    Then there was our 2nd Rotface kill last night. Several new faces and it only took two tries… with 3 left living at the end. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t had that ooze chewing on my shiny metal ass, but I was OOM anyway, so w/e.

  2. Antigen
    February 10, 2010 at 3:12 pm #

    Important news: if your caster tank for Keleseth has never tanked him before, popping wings and hitting the shadow Prince three times (count them: Judgement, Melee, Crusader Strike), you WILL pull aggro and die.

  3. Kaelandros
    February 10, 2010 at 3:15 pm #

    Wait, why is your DPS only 2.5k on that fight? I thought you were pulling much more than that normally. Is there some mechanic that lowers it?

  4. HP
    February 10, 2010 at 3:23 pm #

    LOL, epic! I’ve never hit the enrage timer. Usually we all die or we kill. We have good days and bad days. Last kill we had was a good day since we one shot and no one died.

  5. LabRat
    February 10, 2010 at 4:19 pm #

    We had a night where the only three people left standing when the boss went down were the rogue, the DPS DK, and the warlock. The rogue was tanking at the end.

    It would have been a hell of a lot more epic if it hadn’t been Marrowgar. Yeah. That was a bad night.
    .-= LabRat’s last blog ..Curse of the Shaman =-.

  6. Nasi
    February 10, 2010 at 10:21 pm #

    Nice kill. After killing putricide last week we had three one percent wipes last night, frustrating. I also ot’d rotface last night for the first time (our awesome dk wasn’t there) and your tips really helped! Cheers!

  7. Raenac
    February 11, 2010 at 8:59 am #

    Nice kill, least you got the double DKP no? My 10 man recently tried to speed things up by having me (human prot pally) tank both taldaram and valanar, and my co-tank (dk) tank keleseth, freeing up our warlock to do some major DPS – Healers found this easier instead of having 1 lock who even with alot of nuclie could potentially get 1 shot. First time we did it, we had the 1 lock and 2 off tanks, but the lock was having a hard time staying alive when Kel would get empowered. The other pally and I had to use hand of Sac on him as well as priest cooldowns to keep him up.

  8. Soul
    February 11, 2010 at 10:37 am #

    hi, gz on kill. I just saw your forberance icon on pic, and made me curious about how you fellow palas use your defensive CDs now when also LoH produces forberance?
    Me personaly dont use LoH that much anymore, I somehow prefer HoP on party member, and divine protection on myself when needed, and for long time I used LoH on myself only as “shit” button
    that leaves me with my LoH not used at all sometimes during raid night, but thats just me not thinking enough I would say.
    I am even considering in puting points from divine sacrifice/guardian to guardians favour for lower cd of HoP, and as MT I dont find divine sac/guard that usefull (guess I could leave it like it is now if I would remember that I can LoH some1 else)

    anyways, would be interesting to see how you all manage your DP, LoH, HoP and forberance issues :-) (also, trinket “on use” is any, potions and staff)

    ill stop writing now, dont want to se Rhidach coming to tank me cause I am taking his space, he has some nice dps

    • Rhidach
      February 12, 2010 at 9:23 am #

      @Soul: I agree with Nasi, I seldom use LoH on myself unless it’s a situation like I’m about to die and the healers are half dead and they’re shouting they can’t get me up. Otherwise I’ll just pop bubblewall and buy them some time to heal me.

      Also, I would stick with DG. Like Vorian said, it’s a very potent cooldown of sorts. You don’t need to keep Divine Sacrifice up, just activate it and then turn it off and you’ll keep the 20% damage reduction for 6 seconds.

      I don’t use BoP/HoPs that often, mostly because it only blocks physical damage. Never on myself, mostly just if someone’s getting chased by an add.

  9. Vorian87
    February 11, 2010 at 11:22 am #

    DS+DG is very potent and useful as a raid-wide cooldown… 20% less raid damage is nothing to scoff at, especially when you can make a cancel-aura macro to remove the damage transfer buff.

    plus it makes your SS that much stronger and longer lasting which can be beneficial regardless of whether or not you have a paladin in the raid. if it’s just me then my SS goes on me… if there is a holy pally in the raid then I just ask them to SS the other tank

    and I really cannot recall the last time I used BoP on a dps/healer other than to mess with stuck-up dps in heroics and I use LoH very rarely in raids anymore so I can’t really say.

    @ rhidach
    this reminds me of one of my anub25 pugs where he enraged with half the raid dead and then killed off the rest of the raid…

    except for a holy pally who bubbled and “soloed” the boss for like 60-75k hp with DoT’s ticking on the boss :P


  10. Nasi
    February 11, 2010 at 8:59 pm #

    @soul I very rarely get to loh anymore. About the only time I use it is on dreamwalker, or if a healer is in strife (standing on fire or something) I would use it on putricide last phase but i pop dp on the changeover and you don’t get two minutes from then til enrage. Hop is rarely used, sometimes in fester gut to help out for a min or if a healer pulls aggro somewhere. Used to pump if on faction champs but that was all really.