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The cooldown you can chug

Apparently it’s Armor Week here on Righteous Defense because I have another mitigation tip for you all.

Part and parcel to the increased value of armor in ICC, I’d like to encourage the use of an awesome consumable which can be used efficiently to buff your damage reduction for the first four minutes of a boss fight, or be reserved for certain tough spots. I’m referring to, of course, Indestructible Potions.

Because the effect of the potion lasts for two minutes, you can squeeze maximum uptime out of these by chugging one immediately before combat begins (which doesn’t set off the Potion Sickness “debuff”) and then drink another once the first effect wears off. Properly timed, this will give you 3500 armor over the course of a fight (provided the fight is 4 minutes long or less).

Though, you might want to space out when you drink the second potion, as most fights last a little longer than four minutes and can get more intense towards the end of the fight (I’m thinking specifically of Saurfang’s frenzy).

Moreover, you could chug the first potion pre-combat and then save the second for a specific heavy damage point in the fight so you know you’ll have that extra armor when you need it. Thankfully, with a 2 minute duration you have some leeway with the armor bonus.

I keep a stack of Indestructible Potions on me at all times and chain them for fights like Blood Queen (to minimize damage transfer) and save the second chug for about three minutes into the Saurfang encounter (since the fight usually lasts around 5 minutes for us, and I want that extra armor on me during the entire frenzy period).

February 9, 2010


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  1. Vorian87
    February 10, 2010 at 2:59 am #

    I would second that… I used to do it on hodir back when it mattered… then never really used it in ToC… now I use it on festergut :)

  2. Hairy
    February 10, 2010 at 3:44 am #

    Thanks for the tip. I drank tons of them while leveling as tank and alchemy on another char, and I loved them then, but when the stacks ran out I more or less forgot about their existence. I don’t even know why I carry healing potions, too many times the near insignificant healing is wasted on overhealing anyway.

  3. Senet
    February 10, 2010 at 3:29 pm #

    I would definitely use them when I am taking those huge hits on festergut. Also for Saurfang to mitigate the dmg those mark’s are taking. Although our 10 man last night (now that he’s back to normal) killed him with 99 blood power no marks.

    It was a great night in there for us clearing up to Rotface in an hr and a half. no one afk’d something is wrong with that.