Better Late Than Never Friday, 1/22

Better Late Than Never Friday is a random monthly feature where I pull a bunch of search terms from Google Analytics that landed folks here and try to answer questions that may not be directly answered at this site, as gleaned from their keywords used.

righteous defense taunt small ooze

The Small Ooze is taunt immune, so unfortunately that won’t work. The only way to get rid of them is to merge one into a Big Ooze.

best libram tankadin

Eternal Tower is, technically, the best for survivability (although the ramp-up time is annoying and can cause issues). It’s a marginal upgrade over Defiance, however, and not worth getting until you run out of better things to spend Emblems of Frost on. Just farm Triumph badges and get the 245 dodge libram. Contrawise, Valiance is the best threat libram right now.

how to use righteous defense

Back in my day to use Righteous Defense you had to target the person being attacked, and if you wanted to directly taunt the attacking mob you’d have to use a /targettarget macro. Thankfully, Righteous Defense was changed a while back. It’ll work the same if you use it on the mob or the mob’s target.

armour penetration for tankadins

Bad stat for us, don’t even think about it! The same reasons that make ArP bad for Ret Pallies bad for us–our threat derives primarily from Holy damage, which pierces armor as is. It’s for this reason I always cursed the tanking gloves off of Ignis that had ArP on them.

does the hp5 on purified onyxia blood talisman work in combat

Yes. But you shouldn’t use it unless you’re soloing old content, or something equally frivolous. hp5 is not a tanking stat.

festergut amp magic

Bad idea, amplify magic will make the various raid damage attacks do even more damage. The only fight amp magic is good for is Saurfang, because every attack in that fight is classified as physical damage.

20 defense vs titanium plating

Neither, go with the BC-era +18 stamina enchant if you have the defense to spare. Otherwise get the +defense enchant.

22 agility titanweave dodge

Agility if you have enough defense, Titanweave otherwise.

3.3 divine sacrifice worth it?

Absolutely! Assuming you get Divine Guardian as well, it’s like a free 20% damage reduction cooldown for us that benefits the raid as well. DS/DG is a mandatory talent for raiding.

blacksmithing vs engineering tankadin

I’m partial to engineering, myself, for the cool toys and the armor glove enchant/agility cloak enchant. However, you’d probably be better off if min/maxing just to go with the straight +60 stamina of blacksmithing.

seal of righteousness vs seal of vengeance

Seal of Vengeance is still our best single-target threat seal. Seal of Righteousness has it’s uses though, particularly on Rotface if you’re kiting the Big Ooze. You can’t melee it, and because SoR’s judgement offers the most damage in that situation, it’s the best choice.

15 Comments to “Better Late Than Never Friday, 1/22”

  1. Kaelandros 22 January 2010 at 2:57 pm #

    Can you please explain why Diving Sacrifice is a good idea? I just don’t get it! It seems like directing MORE dmg to the tank is a terrible idea. The healers are already doing their best to keep us topped off as it is. Thanks!

    • Rhidach
      22 January 2010 at 3:19 pm #

      Oh right, I am saying Divine Sacrifice is good to use when you pair it with a /cancelaura macro that turns it on and then immediately off. Even though you just cancelled Divine Sacrifice (and thus take no damage from it) the Divine Guardian effect still works and provides 20% damage reduction to the entire raid for 6 seconds.

  2. Xalorum 22 January 2010 at 3:42 pm #

    Can someone help me? I’ve been tanking for a good 4-5 months now with a pretty fair amount of success for our small guild.

    I haven’t used Seal of Righteousness in… ages. Is that wrong? I don’t see when to use it?

    And can someone explain Divine Intervention? Never used it, don’t even carry the reagents, can’t think of a situation where someone wants three minutes of vacation time in a raid. What am I missing?

    If these are n00b questions, I apologize. If these are answered somewhere, can someone please point me in the right direction? This post just seemed to ‘fit’ my questions….

    • Rhidach
      22 January 2010 at 3:59 pm #

      Xalorum, don’t feel bad not using Seal of Righteousness, it’s generally not worth using once you get Seal of Vengeance/Corruption. It’s purely situational now and Rotface is the first time I’ve used it in as long as I can recall.

      As for Divine Intervention, that’s just if you know the raid is going to wipe you can toss it on someone with the ability to rez and they can get the raid a headstart getting back up and ready for a new attempt. You also save a repair bill using the spell, as dying from it doesn’t cause durability loss.

  3. Vorian87 22 January 2010 at 3:58 pm #

    divine intervention is sort of a pally version of a wipe prevention tool… when you are about to wipe on a boss then just DI someone with a mana bar who can rez other people… it’s kind of like a “wipe and then get back to beating on the boss again” thing

  4. Xalorum 22 January 2010 at 4:07 pm #

    Thanks friends!

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  6. The Renaissance Man 22 January 2010 at 4:27 pm #

    @Kael One thing to keep in mind is that the tank isn’t always going to be tanking. A fight that mandates tank switches, such as Festergut, might warrant it’s use as an external cooldown to keep the tank taking 3 inhales upright. 30k damage on two tanks is much more healable that 60k on one tank. Think of it as an on command saber lash. The other point where I found it to be very useful is on Blood Queen during the fear. There’s a lot of Shadowflame on the floor, and if someone gets feared into it, they’ll take a lot of damage, by bubbling and popping Div Sac, you can mitigate a lot of that damage.
    The Renaissance Man’s last blog ..Blood and Glory in the Crimson Halls. My ComLuv Profile

  7. Tijeras 22 January 2010 at 5:24 pm #

    @Rhidach my guild knows on a wipe I DI whoever is closest, doesn’t matter if they can res or not. No repair bills for me :p Seriously I do look for a class with a res but if you are out of range whoever is closest gets it. My repair bills are high enough as is.

    • Rhidach
      22 January 2010 at 5:46 pm #

      @Tijeras: I just quickly click the first pink, white, or orange square I can find grid, haha. Sometimes I’ve missed getting a DI off because I tried to click myself and then died before I could get a new one selected. :(

  8. Jacob 22 January 2010 at 6:29 pm #

    What, no love for blue squares?

    I agree that Valiance looks like a great libram … I just wish I knew what to use on trash, when I generally use Seal of Cleave.

  9. Kaelandros 22 January 2010 at 8:32 pm #

    I’ve never bothered with DI as I fight to the last breath, and with DI you have to ALSO make sure that person is out of the aggro range of the boss when you DI them. Otherwise when they click it off they will aggro the boss and wipe themselves and whomever has already run back.

    So, in short, its too much of a hassle to use, and better to just run back.

    @Rhidach: Ah gotcha, that makes more sense, I’ve looked and looked and looked at that talent, and everyone saying its a must have and always thought i must be crazy. That, or, I completely didn’t understand raid mechanics.

  10. Yoggie 25 January 2010 at 12:09 pm #

    Hey Rhidach,

    Which libram do you think is best for maintaining threat on Sauerfang? Would it still be the Valiance one or twould it be the Sacred shield one since we use only get limited use of our attacks besides the single target things? (This assumes that you are under the block value cap for our slam attack)

    Thanks so much for your great blog!

    • Rhidach
      25 January 2010 at 12:36 pm #

      Definitely still Valiance for Saurfang. Remember, the only attacks you can’t use on Saurfang are HotR and Avenger’s Shield (and that’s only in that danger zone before and right after beasts spawn). You can still use Judgement, ShoR, Consecrate, and Holy Wrath. It’s a damper, but it shouldn’t be enough to change our threat that much.

      Thanks for reading Yoggie!

  11. What's my main Again? 28 January 2010 at 1:39 pm #

    With the cloak enchant… why go with dodge or defense when you can go with armor for more effective health? 16 defense and 22 agility doesn’t seem to stack up to 225 armor.