The deck was stacked against us

Last night was a bit of a clusterfark. Demo was MIA, leaving me to MT and someone to offspec OT, which normally wouldn’t be bad but earlier yesterday I had a wisdom tooth pulled and was numbed to the gills and couldn’t really talk on vent. Combine that with cataclysmic server lag on gunship and a chunk of Saurfang, the dkp addons not working and us having to log bids on paper, and associated other random nonsense and we had a pretty crazy raid night.

The gunship battle in particular was ridiculous. Once we were in the air, right before the first jump, we got struck with crippling server lag. On my screen my GCDs ground to a near half and all the people who jumped were just bouncing up and down between the two ships. I managed to make it over on a wing and a prayer and pulled Muradin with a shield toss. And… he just stayed there.

For some reason he decided he should toss knives at me, and who am I to argue? I just hung out and let him do his thing. When the time came to flee we all ran to the edge and jumped over.

Coordination would have been a tad bit easier if I could talk on vent, so I had to rely on hastily typed raid warnings to tell people when to flee. Eventually we got the Alliance ship down, but only by the skin of our teeth. If gunship wasn’t a joke we would have had a real problem.

Saurfang had a huge lag spike that saw two Blood Beasts get trapped in melee and rack up a lot more blood power than we usually had at that point. He eventually got like five marks off by the end of the fight, more than what we’re used to. Thankfully we downed him without any dying to a mark, so it generally a clean(ish) kill.

By this point it was about an hour later than it usually is when Saurfang drops thanks to dkp issues and server lag, obviously we weren’t going very far last night. Recognizing this, I still wanted to at least get Festergut down, so we headed over to his room.

That fight went pretty well overall, we had some initial issues where some tiny little thing would go wrong and put us behind the enrage timer. On one attempt a DK taunted by accident and died, and waited for a spore to accept his battle rez. We eventually wiped by 2%!

Another attempt one of the hunters had a critical error and WoW crashed for him. We wiped on that attempt by .6%.

Finally on the last attempt the stars aligned and we killed Festergut with 19 seconds to spare. Yours truly even managed to break 10k dps after the boss was pulled off of me and I dropped behind him, popped wings, and dps’d my little heart out. In the spirit of Jong I even ripped my shirt off for the dps boost.

I know pally tank dps is generally OP right now, but I’m very happy with that number nonetheless.

Tonight we’re going after Rotface and the Blood Council and then taking if from there when it comes to wing bosses.

11 Comments to “The deck was stacked against us”

  1. Figworth
    20 January 2010 at 1:21 pm #

    We’ve had horrible lag on the gunship as well, these past few weeks, which leads me to believe it’s happening on all servers on tuesday night.

  2. Tijeras 20 January 2010 at 2:24 pm #

    We also had terrible lag on Gunship. It cost us the On a boat achievement because I had to hop over to tank Saurfang when our other tank mysteriously dropped through the boat instead of landing on it.

    All in all yesterday was a frustrating raid night for me.

  3. Nasi 20 January 2010 at 9:21 pm #

    Yea, last night was pretty bad lag wise for us. Being oceanic without a dedicated server (damn you blizzard) the whole raid I was sitting on about 800-1000ms instead of the usually Good 280-500. Made life tough, but we still managed to get thru to rotface for 4 attempts, including a <1% wipe, which we were amazed at given the lag.

  4. Soul 21 January 2010 at 4:53 am #

    I just have to ask regarding which addon is used for that window with player details in upper left corner (just right from your recount).
    if I got it correctly it replaces blizz default player details windon in lower right corner (where u now have grid)?
    if so, would really appreciate name of addon cause I hate place of that default one.


    • Rhidach
      21 January 2010 at 9:29 am #

      Oh, that’s my tooltip addon! I can’t remember what it’s called though… I’ll check when I get home.

  5. Senet 21 January 2010 at 11:58 am #

    Nicely done considering.

    I myself couldn’t talk much on vent last night. Have a wicked canker right under my tongue and it’s swollen a bit so last night I had to resort to the same thing.. just a ton of quick typed warnings.

    However this is now the 3rd week in a row for some reason our 10 man just can’t get saurfang down. We had him the first two weeks no problem but with so many people leaving guild or not coming on these days it’s been rough getting those same people that know what to do. It’s just the blood beasts. Even with two hunters last night they were everywhere with them. I had them running around the back and up around behind saurfang and I was like wtf are you guys doing.. if you see one in range just shoot it wait for it to get to you and then feign let it go back.. it’s a total /facepalm right now on my server.

    Paladin LF better raid server in need of a tank.. lol

  6. Tijeras 21 January 2010 at 1:50 pm #

    @Soul Looks like TipTac. I use the same addon.

  7. Nasi 21 January 2010 at 3:01 pm #

    Also, what is the addon that you are using to show your nameplate and health/mana bars? I see it look like this on a lot of raiding interfaces. And the addon that shows the % health of the mobs via the hovering (above their head) display bar looks very handy aswell?

    • Rhidach
      21 January 2010 at 3:11 pm #

      TidyPlates and the theme for that addon calls ThreatPlates. Kadomi did a great post about that addon, very handy!

  8. Tijeras 21 January 2010 at 4:01 pm #

    @ Rhidach there is an updated version of tidy/threat that is much nicer now. It includes a cast bar for interuptable spells on mobs. It also can detect when you switch specs which helps for when I (albeit rarely now) dps.

    • Rhidach
      21 January 2010 at 4:12 pm #

      @Tijeras: Ooo interesting, I’ll have to check that out. Thanks for the heads up.