Bryntroll change nerfs our enchants

Ah, Blizz, the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley, eh?

Bryntroll was proccing too much for Unholy DKs and Retribution Paladins we were told, specifically in the latter’s case because refreshing Holy Vengeance (or Blood Corruption) was making the axe proc.

So Blizz changes it so Holy Vengeance/Blood Corruption cannot proc the weapon anymore, and at the same time makes it so those two effect applications cannot proc weapon enchants anymore. This was probably unintentional, because I don’t think there was a major outcry on Ret enchant uptimes. But, the fact remains.

Sidenote: I wonder if this will reduce the uptime on Rune of the Fallen Crusader for dps Unholy DKs?

Nonetheless, unintended consequences abound. Of course as anytime something affects Ret, we are inadvertently hit as well. This change now means Mongoose and Blade Warding have significantly shorter uptimes.

Theck crunched the numbers over at Maintankadin and came up with (for hit/exp capped tanks) a drop from 61% to 42% for Mongoose and 44% to 31% for Blade Warding. The numbers are worse, of course, if you’re neither hit nor expertise capped, which you probably will not be in a survivability-minded gear set.

The aftermath

Does this change how we approach enchants at all? A little. According to Theck, if you’re enchanting for threat, Accuracy is once again far and away your best choice, with even the lowly Titanium Weapon Chain beating out Mongoose.

If you’re enchanting for survivability, Mongoose is probably still your best bet, because even with a diminished uptime, it’s still the only enchant that gives effective health. Blood Draining is more appealing and worth getting if you’d prefer the gimmicky heal over the cold comfort of occasional dodge and armor.

As for Blade Warding… this benighted enchant went from crap to super crap. Continue to avoid it.

And as for me, I have posts to edit. Sigh.

4 Comments to “Bryntroll change nerfs our enchants”

  1. Figworth
    12 January 2010 at 10:51 am #

    It /shouldn’t/ change Fallen Crusader for a Death Knight; the simple reason being it’s on too long of a cooldown to matter much how fast you’re swinging your weapon (thing of it as a trinket with a good proc but long internal CD).

    That said, I can see how you tanks that don’t have the luxury of having a nice passive rune on your weapon could be upset about this.

    • Rhidach
      12 January 2010 at 11:02 am #

      Interesting, thanks for the clarification!

  2. The Renaissance Man 12 January 2010 at 3:10 pm #

    It made Blade Ward even more terrible! And there are still tons of tanks spamming in trade looking for that enchant. It makes me so very sad.
    The Renaissance Man’s last blog ..Terrible New Everyone! My ComLuv Profile

  3. Kuro 13 January 2010 at 12:10 pm #

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