A night of heartbreak and failure in ICC
Ah… just kidding, another one shot night. I’m just getting tired of doing a raid recap of “oh mang, we iz gud.”
We only had two marks on Saurfang last night (maybe a third at the last second). That’s pretty “gud” though, eh?
Anyhoo, during the course of our sub-two hour ICC-25 run I noticed a couple of things. For example, every week without fail someone just notices the Alliance mobs between Deathwhisper and Gunship don’t give rep. Whoever notices this will find this incredulous. But why would our reputations with the Ashen Verdict improve for killing non-undead folks?
Moreover, I hate when people snark about playing with game sounds on. Maybe if you’re dps you don’t need to pay attention to auditory cues, but as a tank I find it helpful to hear a mob sneaking up behind me. On the Deathwhisper fight it’s increased my chances of surviving a Deformed Fanatic to 100% because I hear the lichess shout out “I release you from THE CURSE OF FLESH” and my first instinct is to immediately back away from the Fanatics I’m tanking. I’m on my toes, not surprised. I don’t know why some people would take it as a point of pride to be potentially caught flat-footed in such a situation. No matter how sweet that iPod playlist you put together may be.
But I digress. I’m hoping for Putricide next week because the same four bosses has officially gotten tired, especially when we’re looking at a 1.5-2 hour clear. If that’s the case, then we’ll probably spend Tuesday next week on the same old, same old plus Rotface and Festergut. Then Wednesday we’ll do 10mans and get everybody familiar with the basics of the Putricide fight. Then Thursday, knowledge in hand we’ll hopefully kill him in under the 10 attempt limit. The less learning wipes we need the better. Plus, god help me, I need a Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification, which for me is like the Titanguard of this patch cycle.
During the pre-Marrowgar trash I was doing around 9-10k dps with the heroic spec. In-effing-credible. I wish I could do that single target in my normal raid spec!
I wish last night was a bit more interesting (so there’d be something to write about!), but I suppose there’s nothing wrong with a smooth and uneventful run. Stuff will get more interesting in the coming weeks.
Same people who don’t have game sounds on are the ones who die to Lightning Novas when DBM screams at you that you need to move.
I think the new wing is the week after next unfortunately.
I am going DPS for the trash from now on… I can hold aggro on one mob if I focus it, you take everything else. You bastard.
The next wing opens in 6 days. January 5th.
The Renaissance Man’s last blog ..The Nature of Raiding in Wrath: Limited Attempts
Hear from a safe source that i is gonna be really late january. Not sure if i belive it tho.
You are correct. It is January 5th…
Thank god!
Most importantly, Big Blue has gone on record as saying that the delays between the next wings will be shorter. It was only a month for the plagueworks because of the holidays, and hopefully they were fixing putricide, and tweaking festergut’s enrage.
The Renaissance Man’s last blog ..The Nature of Raiding in Wrath: Limited Attempts
Dude I’m so jealous. Every week you post about how easy your guild clear ICC while mine is wiping all the time, we rarely clear ICC 25 (ICC 10 is a bit easier).
The worst thing is: I have more succesful runs with friggin’ PUGS than with my own guild. Dammit I know I’m not screwing things, but I wish there was an addon like Gearscore that measured “skill” instead of gear.
Since skill is a very vague term (much more complicated than “don’t stand in the fire”) I don’t know what to do to make them improve.
/end rant.
P.S: Gratz for the Quel’Delar (I should have mentioned it in the previous topic but I forgot hehe).
When Rhi and I took over our guild many months ago we knew we had some great people who were incredibly capable but also a lot of dead weight that was drawn to the guild by its policies that attracted that sort of player.
So we started from there, how do we attract the players we need. Some policies of taking care of our core and DKP and several other things and we didn’t have to improve the people who weren’t good, we got new people who already were. They didn’t necessarily have the gear, so there is an investment of time but in the end those people will bring a lot to your guild.
If you are performing at the top of your game and those around you don’t have the focus and discipline that you do (forget gear) then you may need to do something about it.
A raid isn’t built around people like me or Rhidach… It is a complete collaboration.
It has hurt a lot of people in the guild who never matured as players and kept up with what is expected… They do poor DPS even though they have great gear and they get replaced… but in the end the guild is stronger for it.
We went from barely having the people to put a 25 man together before we got in control to having capable players sitting on the bench… It is all about attracting the type of person you want. If you are playing with nubs now who can’t do anything right maybe they are in an environment that fosters that… but like with us when we took over E.S. (long before I was even made GM) you did the best you could with what you have, you want some amazing players but don’t have it.
God I am ranting and I realize that I have veered way of topic but it seems a shame to delete all this.
Sorry Rhi.
31 December 2009 at 9:12 am #
Nah, Demo, it was interesting to read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Thanks for the reply too Demo, my guild is struggling on 25-man due to dead weight that improves only marginally week after week. Thank god we have 10-mans, but at the end of the day, it may force me to change things or leave, sorta like you had to do.
Also, prot pally DPS with the new heroic trash spec is insane. I think on the first pull of the first room I hit 13k overall DPS before settling down to 9-10k overall before hitting Marrowgar. It was eye-opening tanking it on 10-man on my DK last night and doing 2000ish overall DPS.
That was a very well thought response. Thanks for the advices, they’re very useful.
Though I wouldn’t go that far as calling my guildmates noobs, because they actually do pretty awesome DPS (always above 5k-6k). The problem is that they die. For what little information I could gather from our raids (since the tank it’s too busy to watch what everybody else is doing) the problem is that most of them do not know the strats, and forget to do vital things like killing the spikes in Marrowgar, that sort of thing (tunnel vision maybe?).
Well I’m going of topic, so I’ll say once again thanks for the advices.
And happy new year.