A very productive weekend

Thanks to the new random dungeon system, some bored guildees, and the free-flowing emblems of triumph, I managed to run about 25 heroics this weekend and pick up a little more than a hundred badges, which I think parlayed into t9 shoulders and gloves and the godly dps sigil for my DK. Finally he is free from the BoA shoulders! I have a few 232/245 pieces on him now, but the majority of his gear is sitting in the 200-219 range. Something must be done… ah yes, need moar badges.

On my main I’m currently sitting at 39 emblems of frost, which is awesome. I should be able to score my t10 shoulders (I always go for shoulders first) after the two raids this week and the raid weekly quest. As for the DK’s emblem generation, I think I’m going to use him to buy Primordial Saronite for Rhidach’s crafted tanking gear. My alt will always be a workhorse for my main, be it working the mines for Rhidach’s JCing, or forgoing tier 10. Sacrifices must be made.

And speaking of frost, last night we went in to do ICC-10, but first a few of us ran over to Naxx to bang out the raid weekly quest before raid. Unfortunately, just about every character in the guild was saved except for a smattering of alts (including Demo’s resto shammy). We had myself solo tanking, one healer, and four dps. And we wiped on Anub’Rekhan… four times. Each at 2% when Locust Swarm would hit and Demo refused to let the dps die so I eventually bought it, or the second crypt fiend would spawn after swarm so I couldn’t pick it up. It sucked.

The last guildee we were waiting on for ICC finally woke up and logged on (damn you Gandy) and with his non-alt dps we were able to push it over the finish line. Still, the shame endures.

Once we finally got into the Citadel I had a preconceived notion (based on the accounts of other bloggers) that the 10man was going to be pretty easy. And indeed, I was not wrong. The whole place is one massive faceroll. Aside from some initial trash wipes, we one shot every boss. Wasn’t even a contest.

Deathwhisper especially, which was nightmare-inducing for us in 25man was a total cake walk. And Saurfang I was too busy admiring the kiting being done on the Beasts to really pay attention to the fight. Hell, we only had one Mark that fight, and it went on a healer who died and we still one shot the fight.

We steamrolled the whole place in the duration of one flask.


I can’t wait for tomorrow when we have a wealth of experience on all the bosses and should be able to seriously speed up our progress in there. Tuesday night can’t come soon enough!

7 Comments to “A very productive weekend”

  1. Antigen
    14 December 2009 at 12:22 pm #

    Man, I gotta get in on some of that ICC action. I tanked a heroic Gun’Drak with a death knight that had this bad boy:



    I don’t care if it’s ArP, he was a frickin’ TAUNKA! The cow guys, not the trucks.

  2. Demogar 14 December 2009 at 1:34 pm #

    Our fellow guildie Falowin got that is past week. He is a pretty big fan of it.

  3. Figworth
    14 December 2009 at 5:48 pm #

    Well, my warlock runs with a guild that does 10-man strict progression (at least 7 members in the 10-man, and no more than 3 members ever together in any 25-man). Some of the raiders don’t run any 25-man raids, and in that situation, Marrowgar’s a bit of a gear check for healers/tanks, because he hits about the same on two tanks in 10-man as three in 25-man.

    Rest was easy, tho.

  4. Tijeras 15 December 2009 at 8:04 am #

    I am still up in the air about my first frost emblem purchase. I am more than likely going to go for the tanking cloak. I have been using the platinum mesh cloak for what feels like forever. I am also in a strict 10 man guild so no 25 cape from Jaraxus and the farthest we made it into ToGC was the twin valkyr. So no tribute run cape, Vezax was stingy with his animus cape and the IC cape was a push so I passed on it the one time it dropped.

    But….. I so want that skeleton key.

    • Rhidach
      15 December 2009 at 9:09 am #

      I do too, but I can’t resist the siren song of new tier shoulders.

  5. anafielle
    17 December 2009 at 2:41 pm #

    Nice!! Loved the story about anub rekhan. We did exactly the same thing! I was saved on 25 but volunteered myself on 10 to help some alts get the weekly quest. We 6 manned it with myself, a DK OT, three dps, and a druid healing. Everyone except me was very undergeared and on totally random alts – not TOC 10 geared alts, but new alts! I thought we were going to wipe, especially when the healer went oom, but Anub eventually died.

    As for frost, I’m strongly considering the cape. I used the platinum mesh cloak forever, and finally got the Ulduar 226 cape a few weeks ago. It’s definitely my crappiest piece of gear by far.

    But I just know that the week I spend frosts on the cape, the Jaraxxus 25 cape or the cape from TOGC10 is going to drop for me. (I still run them both every week) The frost cape is still an upgrade, but not as huge of one.

    • Rhidach
      17 December 2009 at 2:55 pm #

      Haha, that’s usually the way it goes, you spend badges on a major upgrade and then an item for the same slot will drop the next day. The irony gods demand it!