Confirmed: No tanking Quel’Delar
Le sigh.
We don’t feel there is a need for [a tanking QD.] We aimed to make sure that every class had something to gain from the Quel’Delar series, but that doesn’t mean every spec of every class. Could a tank use the one handed dps version of Quel’Delar? Yes, it may give them more threat. Is this ideal for surviving while tanking? No, but there are other items available for that.
Does there need to be a tanking QD? No. Would it be nice if there was one for our spec when there’s one for just about every other spec? Yes.
My only real complaint is Veneretio and I were talking about how Blizzard almost insists we use swords for end game tanking. There in only the last laugh and the couple Ulduar maces so far that are not considered tanking weapons (ok, I’ll throw in the argent tourney axes for 25 seals if you insist), and now they have a quest line for a sword and of all the rewards not one is a tanking sword…interesting decision if I do say so myself.
I complained about this in the general forums and my thread got deleted.
And I think it’s unfair, because “tank” is not a spec, it’ a role!
A Prot Paladin, Prot Warrior or DW Tank Death Knight could have used a tanking 1h sword!
*gives the middle finger to the devs*
While it would have been nice to have, there are already a plethora of tanking weapons in the queue. If they did make one it would probably have the same stats as the Argent Guard / Crusader’s Glory. I will, and likely still would if there were a tanking Quel’Delar go for the 2 handed dps weapon. I am still using Edge of Ruin in my ret set.
Maybe, but all of them depend on drop chance!
I wanted a guaranteed tanking weapon to upgrade my stupid Peacekeeper’s Blade (the crap that drops in ToC 5 H)