Finally, a 3.3 change I can get behind

Divine Intervention: This ability now also removes Exhaustion and Sated from the target. In addition, the cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.

Definitely a good fix to an annoying oversight.

The updated patch notes also just say that LoH gives Forbearance when self-cast but not when cast on others. Looks like they’re skipping the Infusion of Light change and just making LoH baseline able to cast on others with no threat of Forbearance. A welcome change.

3 Comments to “Finally, a 3.3 change I can get behind”

  1. Vorian87 10 November 2009 at 3:44 pm #

    I can’t recall ever having popped Divine Protection and immediately having used Lay on Hands. So the self-Forbearance really does nothing to change the way I tank.

    While I often use Divine Protection on cooldown (and on fights like heroic beasts I always use it since I use my 4-pc T9), Lay on Hands is pretty much my backup plan. In the past 2-3 months, as far as I can recall, I have only used Lay on Hands on myself when Divine Protection was already on cooldown.

    And I like the Divine Intervention change. It is really annoying to not be able to benefit from Heroism/Bloodlust if you were the person who got DI’d during a boss wipe.

  2. Moogle Stiltzkin 10 November 2009 at 11:29 pm #

    People rarely use LOh same time they divine protection. So yes to me also not much change. I can at least loh a healer or someone else who needs it without being hindered by a forbearance of myself.

    For PVP wise, we can either choose to LOH or Divine Shield ourselves. Usually when you DS, you don’t waste a loh instead you just self heal. LOH you use separately from DS.

    Whats the forbearance cooldown anyway?

  3. Vorian7 11 November 2009 at 12:10 am #

    off the top of my head it is 2 minutes and if you have 4pc T9 prot then it 1m30s