Better Late Than Never Friday, 11/6

I sat down today and told myself–told myself–I was going to write the next “chapter” in my 4 Characteristics of a Great Tank series, and then I got sidetracked and completely forgot. Mea culpa, friends.

In lieu of a wall of text, enjoy this short and sweet filler feature. Bonus: there’s about 20 Vindication questions in here. (Which I hope doesn’t reflect a disconnect in the tankadin community between folks that know it’s an amazing talent and folks who still think it’s for Ret. Short answer: Vindication = amazing!)

seal of righteousness or vengeance for tanking

Vengeance by leaps and bounds. You get so much more threat from the dot and stacking proc than you would from Seal of Righteousness.

how much does stamina increase pally spellpower

0 per point. Our spellpower comes form Strength now thanks to the change in 3.2.

3.2 vindication for protection paladins

I was curious to see what happened if I googled this specific phrase, and I’m happy to see this page with RD as the second link:


Couldn’t have said it better myself!

does vindication stack with other pallys?

No, and it doesn’t stack with Demo Shout/Roar either.

how does vindication work

Vindication can proc from all our direct attacks (melee, Avenger’s Shield, Shield of the Righteous, etc.) and from Seal of Vengeance damage. The effect lasts for 10 seconds, and generally it can be assume that as long as you’re continuously attacking during that 10 second period, Vindication will be up.

While it’s awesome that Vindication is passive, the only downside is it’s single target. HotR and AS can feasibly spread it around, but to keep it up 100% you’re going to have to devote your attacks to one target. There’s the rub between this talent and the warrior/druid shout.

judgments of just vindication stack?

Yes. Please have both in your spec!

best tank leg enchants 3.2.2

There’s only one choice, Frosthide Leg Armor. Find a friendly LWer to do that for you.

can anub’arak be beat with one off tank?

Normal-10? Yes. Heroic-10? Yes. Normal-25? Yes. Heroic-25? Excepting some super geared, passively unhittable, ubermensch tank, no.

how to get away from icehowl charge

As soon as you hit the wall, hold down your right mouse button and strafe left/right key. Pick whichever will get you away from him faster (ie, if he’s to your right, pick the left, and v/v). As soon as you unstun you’ll run off in the proper direction, to safety, with plenty of time to spare.

how to use different voice vent

I can only imagine the intent behind this question.

is it worth it for tankadins to be jewelcrafters wow

Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.

quel vs ardent guard

Ardent Guard (Heroic) > Blood and Glory > Quel’Serrar 25 > Ardent Guard > Quel’Serrar 10

titanium plating any good for tankadins?

Only for a shield specifically devoted to a threat/dps set. 81 block value is nice, but you’ll get more (EH) mileage out of the BC-era 18 stamina enchant.

14 Comments to “Better Late Than Never Friday, 11/6”

  1. Demogar 6 November 2009 at 4:45 pm #

    So Vindication isn’t worth it?

  2. The Renaissance Man 6 November 2009 at 6:13 pm #

    It depends.I personally believe that until you have a 100% attendance group, raiders should strive to be as self sufficient as possible. If you an rhidach want to min max your performance, it might be worthwhile to take some time to see if Rhidach loses more damage output by going 2/2 vindi rather than 2 points in conviction, Or if you lose more by having to put Imp Demo in your spec and rotation. And if you really wanted to run the ragged edge, you’d look at the upcoming encounters in icecrown and make a call as to which would be more efficient for each encounter and respec accordingly. Vindi for Marrowgar, Demo for gunship, vindi for sindragosa, demo for dreamwalker, and so on.

  3. Demogar 6 November 2009 at 6:16 pm #

    I was actually just busting Rhi’s chops.

  4. Demogar 6 November 2009 at 6:18 pm #

    I have tried Imp. Demo Shout builds and my threat suffers incredibly. It isn’t very often that there isn’t a Ret Pally or Rhi hitting the boss so Vindication is almost always up.

  5. Sid 6 November 2009 at 7:04 pm #

    Sorry if this question is a bit off-topic, but… How do I make money with Jewelcrafting?

    I assume you use the profession to make money for flask, etc and not only for the bonuses. I have JC maxed out but I can barely pay my repair bills (I suck at trade and economy).

    • Rhidach
      7 November 2009 at 12:45 am #

      Find an epic gem cut that sells really well and often, like Shifting Dreadstone or Quick King’s Amber, and just buy uncut gems and cut into those and sell. Tues/Wed is best day to post. You’ll make like 50g at a time if the market is good. Don’t put up more than 2 of each cut at a time. Probably one at a time is best, and just have one ready to go if the first sells. I’ll made a couple thousand gold since 3.2 launched just doing this.

  6. Vorian87 7 November 2009 at 1:31 am #

    omg the secret is out… all the servers’ JC economy is gonna shatter now /sarcasm /looks at boubouille hehe

    i make my money by advertising in trade for my epic cuts… i have like 17 or something now i believe… i usually get tipped 5-20g per cut.. its pretty decent…

    my real money maker is BS though since i have 2 ulduar patterns and 5/6 ToC patterns… the tips range from 200-500g for the items

    *psh* secret: the dps belt from ulduar and the tank/dps chest/bracers from ToC sell QUITE well.. least for me

    • Rhidach
      7 November 2009 at 1:42 am #

      Can’t beat getting tipped for doing nothing!

  7. Demogar 7 November 2009 at 1:49 am #

    Step 1: Buy a TON of Saronite Ore.
    Step 2: Cut all blue gems and sell them.
    Step 3: Buy a lot of Eternal Earth
    Step 4: Use the Crystallized earth with the green gems you got from prospecting Saronite and make necklaces and rings.
    Step 5: Get them DE’ed

    Step 6: MEGA profit.

    I can make thousands a day doing this. I have an enchanter alt though, my professions are JC and BS… both for the stats and bonuses.

  8. Demogar 7 November 2009 at 1:50 am #

    Oops… Missed the step that should have said Prospect all the Saronite.

    On good days you can buy Thorium and prospect it and just sell all the gems .

    I never farm anything and make thousands just by buying and selling.

  9. jong 7 November 2009 at 11:04 am #

    amg you’re famous!

  10. Rhidach
    7 November 2009 at 11:43 am #

    Of all the posts, why oh why did they have to pick the “alright Blizz, if you’re gonna nerf us, get it over with!” passive-aggressive QQ post?

  11. Sid 7 November 2009 at 12:47 pm #

    Because is that way, Rhidach!

    @Rhidach & Demogar: Thank you very much for your advices! Really, thank you! I’m tired of farming dailies.

  12. Vorian87 9 November 2009 at 10:34 am #

    haha in case you never saw it —