Well, that was definitely Insanity
We did not deserve to get the achievement we got last night.
Actually, scratch that. Considering what we came back from and managed not to wipe on any boss… the skill that was shown by each person on different fights to make up for goof offs or silly mistakes… we definitely deserve the accolade.
Beasts was a total clusterfrak. We lost one person to an acid cloud under a worm, and a healer and dps to Dreadscale’s breath attack because they didn’t notice Demo bringing the worm around and then standing in front of the boss. Not to mention we forgot to tell a shadow priest we needed him to go disc for Beasts, so we only had two healers the whole time. Once Icehowl came out we had one healer, two tanks, and three dps. Things looked bleak. And yet somehow, with second left on the enrage timer we managed to down him.
That basically set the pace of the night.
Then on Jaraxxus–the first effing portal–we got two Mistresses. Got them both down, kept going. Things got hairy towards the end when we got another pair of Mistresses when Jaraxxus was at 5% or so. I taunted them both and held everything I could while dps just burned the boss down. A few dead, but we pulled through in the end.
Then champs we had a second week of easy comps: Enh Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Holy Priest, Resto Druid. Ezpz to burnt through, and (bonus!) the 245 Eitrigg’s Oath dropped again. I envy the lucky tank that… agh, can’t keep a straight face while saying that.
It was about this time I noticed, and tweeted nervously, that we hadn’t wiped yet. Shades of Undying were coming back to haunt me.
Twins went surprisingly well, but the stress factor was only amped up further. We now only had Anub between us and victory. Anub being the only fight we’ve yet to one shot, and typically take three tries to down.
I was freaking out.
We got down in the pit, took some necessary breaks, and geared up to do it to it. No pressure, we assured everyone, while secretly gearing up to hate forever whoever cost us the achievement.
And, well, you know the rest. Anub down, achievement dinged, and ES shot up to 6th on the server for 10man content. Pretty exciting stuff!
Loot was done and the guild now has its first 258 piece, the Drape of the Sunreavers. Grats to Nomi for nabbing that. Other drops were Perdition, Anguish, Attrition, and the Swift Horde Wolf, which Fal ended up winning. Grats to him as well, and curse Anub for not giving us any tank gear. I’m still itching for my Greaves of the Lingering Vortex and Ardent Guard.
An amazing victory for the guild nonetheless. I’m very happy that despite any issue we may have with 25man heroic, we can rock the hardest 10man content.
Congratulations. Still working on my “Tribute to Skill.” Here’s hoping ^_-
Hi Rhidach, sincere congratulations for this achievement. This is something you and your guild can be proud of :)
I can’t wait to read your adventures tanking into Icecrown Citadel :P
Ah, Eitrigg’s Oath/Fervor of the Frostborn, the worst tanking trinket ever. It’s the only trinket that’s so bad that we had our fury warrior ask if he could have it for off spec, and both main spec tanks argued that he’d be better off with the abyss crystal.
Kudos, you do deserve it. That’s sometimes how things go down.
Awesome work!
I didn’t know it was possible to actually shake with nervousness while playing a video game but alas I was trembling while we were fighting Anub.
I actually died in the closing 10 seconds of the fight (I was tanking Anub) and Rhidach had to take over while tanking four adds.
Thankfully we made it, albeit by the skin our our teeth and Ardent Defender. (grumble grumble)
6 November 2009 at 3:06 pm #
To be fair, even if I died at that exact second it was at like .1% percent and the remaining dps would have been able to finish it off.
@Demogar I love that feeling. I raid for that feeling. It’s all too rare, but all too awesome.
Although, I tend to think of it as shaking with adrenaline.