You are what you eat
While as easy as it may be to leech for the saps that bring Fish Feasts to the raid (just kidding–valuable raid service!), FF is the not the best option for any post-wipe munchies. Straight attack power and spell power are two of our weakest threat stats, and if you’re aiming to boost your tps, that’s not the way to go. Not to mention that stamina is not a factor thanks to all foods having the same amount. As such, you’re really eating buff food for that secondary stat, but which stat to go for?
First, let’s take a look at what you can use to sate that gnawing pre-attempt hunger:
Dragonfin Filet: Provides 40 strength, which works out to 20 Block Value (26 with Redoubt) and 80 attack power/28 white damage dps, along with 24 spell power.
Blackened Dragonfin: The 40 agility from this food imparts .67% dodge (before diminishing returns), .67% crit chance, and 80 armor. Great triple dip stat food.
Worg Tartare (or Snapper Extreme): Gives 1.22% chance to hit. Excellent choice for closing the gap on the melee hit cap.
Rhinolicious Wyrmsteak: The 40 expertise rating from this food translates to 4.9 expertise skill, or .82% reduced chance to have your attacks dodged or parried.
So, what is the best for threat?
Dragonfin Filet because strength triple dips as a threat stat. It gives you an increase to your dps directly, then more BV (increasing your Shield of Righteousness damage), and finally adds some spell power for icing on the cake. In fact, according to an analysis that Theck ran, Dragonfin Filet is worth 126 tps. That’s 30 tps more than its nearest competitor (Fish Feast).
And, what is the best for survivability?
Blackened Dragonfin for sure. You get avoidance and mitigation, all in one package. It’s the only real choice.
…you know, I’d never second thought just munching fish feasts.
I r nubtank.
me neither. but i guess since my fishing is at almost max now i should go out and start farming some dragonfin.
Yes, YES – spread the word about Dragonfin. I make 5g per fish on those bad boys (uncooked).
Personally I use the +hit food. I haven’t run parses to see if having 227 hit with Dragonfin is > full hit – but it certainly ‘feels’ looser if I’m not hit capped.
I’m a salty achievement angler and a Chef achievement cook …. i’ve always thought fish feast was the best for tanks but this opened my eyes o_o:
I just hope your article doesn’t affect my fish feast mats being sold on auction house :{ /cry
Interesting, it seems that in 3.3 that you don’t need to level fishing anymore as long as you fish in schools.
“in patch 3.3.0 you never catch trash from fishing pools, regardless of skill. ”
So even if you are a level 1 fisherman you will be able to farm your own Dragonfin. So those 5g you are getting per Dragonfin are probably not going to be worth as much soon once nobody has to go through the trouble of leveling the skill.
30 October 2009 at 11:58 am #
Don’t forget that people are inherently lazy and would rather pay for something than farm it themselves (I say this after two days ago spending 10g on 4 Rhino Meats for the daily). I doubt the price will change much.
I don’t know. The big laziness is not wanting to spend forever leveling fishing. Now they they don’t have to I imagine there will be more on the market or more people who don’t need it.
Though I figure more people farming it with a level 1 skill are going to be doing so to sell it not make food.
30 October 2009 at 12:43 pm #
This is true.