I could say that this joke was running
Disclaimer: I wrote this post yesterday in its entirety, and then a power flash ate it. The subsequent rampage took up all my remaining posting time yesterday, but let me assure you, Rhi did most certainly smash.
So Tuesday’s raid night was awesome (let’s not talk about last night) to the point where we pulled another one-shot three-fer, knocking out Onyxia, the Coliseum, and VOA 25s in one night. We were such a well oiled machine we burnt through all three over the course of about two and a half hours, with Coliseum only taking an hour and fifteen minutes. And as we’re roflstomping all this undertuned content, I noticed how relaxed the atmosphere was. Just to speak for myself, I tend to shut down and lock up on progression stuff, focusing more on the fight to the detriment of you know, actually enjoying the game. I stress out a bit.
Not Tuesday though, everyone was joking and laughing and some of the same running jokes that make an appearance in almost every raid were rolled out. Which then got me thinking about how many in-jokes my guild has, and how it’d make great post fodder in a sure-you-have-no-idea-what-we’re-talking-about-but-I-swear-it’s-funny sort of way. Here’s a bunch of them (and I invite my guildees that read this blog to contribute any I have missed):
“Zilga down!” I’m not entirely sure Zilga ever really died as much as Falowin did, so the origins of this are a mystery to me. Nonetheless, this is the universal “oh everything is going great” comeback. E.g., “5% left!” “Zilga down.”
“Back in my day…” One of the raiders, Valgard, has a visceral hatred of addons, for good or ill. He wouldn’t use an equipment manager until Blizzard came out with its own and would manually change gear piece by piece. It was painful. Demogar shot back at him with an impression of an old man (or perhaps a grizzled prospector) saying “Back in my day we didn’t need no dagnabbit addons!” The charm has faded since the first time it was done, but the bite of the indictment lingers to this day.
[Random awful Valgard joke]. Speaking of Valgard, boy does he love his bad jokes. It’s an accepted fact of life that at least once per raid we’ll be subjected to a quality joke as “Master looter? More like master tooter!” Groans aplenty, I assure you. One day he’ll make an actual good joke and the fabric of space and time will collapse on itself. No one will ever know.
“Loot pinata.” This is my fault, I came into some boss fight in Coliseum (not sure which one–was probably pre-nerf Faction Champs) with a cup full a’ hubris, insisting that said fight was so easy it was a loot pinata. It was not. I have yet to live this pronouncement down.
“20 minutes, tops.” Back during Ulduar we used to have the worst time with Freya’s trash. People got too antsy and would stand in the thunderstorm or forget to re-CC. Bad things happened, and one night it was proclaimed that the trash would take twenty minutes tops to get through. It took two hours. I left a little piece of my soul behind in that garden.
“RISE FALOWIN!” I did a haiku on this way in the past, and alas the basis for this in-joke has essentially passed, because Falowin is stubborn and refuses to die as often. In any case, in Naxx, whenever there was a Dark Touched Warrior in the trash pack, you knew–KNEW–that Falowin was going to die. He was like a side character in a Final Destination movie. He just had no effing chance. It happened so often that Morvain, one of the DKs, made a Raise Ally macro that would turn Fal into a ghoul and /yell “RISE FALOWIN!” It remains epic to this day.
“God himself cannot stop us.” This is another Falowin-related joke, pursuant to the ridiculous hubris that infects our ranks sometimes. To make fun of Demogar’s various pronouncements of confidence, Fal would then declare “god himself cannot stop us.” And then he would.
“I don’t give a bitch.” This one only started Tuesday, but it has legs (as they say). One of the warlocks was telling a story of a ten year old in a class he teaches trying feebly to swear derisively. The little boy declared that he “didn’t give a bitch” about something or another and an epic joke was born. We already spent most of the day yesterday scrawling this across the guild forums.
“Oh, I know what we’re doing wrong.” If we’re starting to wipe on a boss for stupid reasons, Demo like to refocus us a bit by putting a skull on the boss. Which is super helpful, because sometimes I get confused and try to tank one of the hunter pets. It’s good for a laugh though, and helps dispel some pent up tension over wipes.
“Dental plan!” “Lisa needs braces.” Kind of a stupid one. During Icehowl I would say in vent “massive crash” which apparently sounded an awful lot like Lenny saying “Dental plan!” in that Simpsons episode. So someone replied “Lisa needs braces” and another stupid in-joke was born.
So that’s just a smattering of my guild’s nonsensery. Do your guilds have any silly running jokes?
We spend half our time quoting Arnold or Stallone quotes at each other.
Sub-zero, now plain zero – etc. Isn’t it great how those inside jokes come out when content is more relaxed, and you start having fun?
8 October 2009 at 10:20 am #
It’s like I always say “You know content is on farm when people won’t shut the hell up.” I love it.
We have a couple of in-jokes with legs.
“This is horsesh!t, I’m logging” – The final words of one particularily disgruntled raider in our 2nd day of KJ progression. He really did ragelog on the spot. The reason? We used to “waste” the first attempt of the night taking our time in P2 to go over positioning, make sure everyone knew their spot down to the pixel for the rest of the night. Now it’s a guild meme.
“Get ownt” – Whenever someone makes bingo. Appropriate usage can be seen/heard in our Steelbreaker last video.
“, noooooooo” – Said in a plaintive voice. Mostly used for that Fury warrior who just can’t help but whirlwind/cleave incoming adds at Thorim, or who stands next to Cosmic Smash for a little bit of extra rage, but cuts it too close. In other words, for fail above and beyond.
“Gratz, guys, we got , I guess I won’t destroy the guild today after all” – One of our raiders (a particularily great guy, I might add), somehow had a host of the most inventive trolls I’ve ever seen stalk him from his old guild. They called him Destroyer of Guilds and predicted our downfall for allowing him to trial. It’s not unusual for our apps to get trolled, but this meme lives on, for several months now. References to the Master Plan occassionally crop up.
Oh, and our latest meme: Starship Troopers references at Anub’Arak. This one probably won’t have legs. But “The only good bug is a dead bug. Would you like to know more?” cracked us all up pretty good.
My own in joke that tickles me because I like to pretend I am an egomaniac now that I am guild master and pretend I have a very high opinion of myself.
Rhi will lay down a great strategy to which I will respond with “Rhi I am guild master I will decide what the strategy is” and reiterate the exact same strat he just said.
Rhidach: “We should all stand here”
Demogar: “Rhi, I am GM I will decide what we do thank you… We should all stand here.”
It at least gives ME a chuckle and isn’t that what is is all about.
Plus /gkicking Falowin for no good reason, I haven’t done it in some time but I think it is due a comeback.
Not sure if it was a joke between me and Demo or if the whole guild knew about it, but we once had a DK tank/not tank who was a very negative nelly. He would always (and I mean always) say that we did not have enough DPS for a new boss. Often times he would get the old guild leader to agree and we would skip it, or call the raid without trying. One particular time was with Ulduar’s Deconstructor. He went on and on about how we didn’t have the DPS and there was no way we could do it….well we tried it anyway and one shot him…To this day, when I hear someone complaining that they don’t even think we should try a certain boss I still spout out “Oh No It’s Deconstructor!!!!! God Help US!!!!!”.
8 October 2009 at 11:57 am #
@Meloree: Those are awesome! Any Starship Trooper quotes are win.
@Demo: Hahaha I enjoy that. It’s pretty funny, you fit that persona to a T. Also, moar gkicks of Fal plx.
@Fal: Reminds me of the time Mal accused me of “leading everyone to slaughter” when I unilaterally declared we were going after Mim while Demo was running around somewhere in his bathrobe. We then one-shot Mimiron, of course.
Don’t forget Gully with his androgynous :Huggles:
“Do the dew!”
Yelled every time we use our parachute capes. This has become rather frequent, as we now just run around looking for spots we can jump off of in instances.
Our other pally is ret – and we’ll sometimes go ret together in PvP. Pre TOC we had identical gear, and we had the same hair/face. “Wonder twins – ACTIVATE!” As we prepare to parachute into the mine/BS.
rofl.. that certainly is epic sir
We had one guildie that was particurlary bad about moving out of bad shit. We always had to tell him to more. Nowadays, he is no longer with us, but the phrase “MOVE Chuckie!!!” lives on.
P.S. sorry about the typos. Hope you are all fluent.
I laughed at ‘Dont give a bitch’ and at the last one (as the way Marge says it in that episode is hilarious).
My guild doesnt really have that many tbh.
Although people always make fun of the Draenei (which I am) if we’re a bit behind the group or slow on pulling aggro by just calling us ‘fat’ and ‘lazy’. I sometimes called people out for it and would duel them above Naxxramas until one time someone mind controlled me off the side…
Also, once I tried bragging about my tanking prowess, intending to declare that ‘Stand back mortals, for I am a Blue Adonis’, but instead declared (by mistake) that I was indeed ‘A Blue Goddess’. Which I’ve never heard the end of…
Nobody ever dies to bosses in our runs, they’re just doing their responsible duty of “tanking the floor”. We only wipe when the floor requires too much attention.
Before I started playing in early BC, our guild had a rank called Village Idiot. Members who were being paticularly stupid or annoying (and sometimes just when the officers wanted to be silly) would get demoted for a bit becuase you couldn’t talk in G chat while a Village Idiot. So of course one day in guild chat we were discussing childhood cartoons and Captain Planet came up. I was so vocal about how terrible that retarded show was that all of a sudden over G Chat the GM’s wife pipes up with
[you have been demoted to Captain Planet]
Entire guild explodes in laughter, she had changed the name of the rank right here just for me, prety pleased with myself about that. To this day nobody is allowed to demote anyone without going through the elements, usually with other guildies piping in with the remaining ones.
Hey Rhi! Nice one on the inside joke stuff from the guild.
“Zilga Down” – Actually the origins of that is, unfortunately, Zilga down…It started back in the Ignis days when we had such a hard time clearing him. It was so messed up for healers, particularly raid healers, and Zilga had aggro problems for a while and would get killed by adds. Once we progressed on through, the joke first evolved after an Auriaya kill as “Zilga Down”. Then Demo took it one step further and called it “That’s a wipe. Zilga Down” as a victory cry. Pallybella still gets antsy about this one haha.
You forgot to mention the joke on Demo’s constant hype and never-ending talk about his “4 piece bonus.” The enthusiasm of getting 4 piece bonuses since then have grown to an all time high. :)
The 20 minute tops is freaking hilarious.
15 October 2009 at 1:56 pm #
How could I forget the 4pc bonus? That was such a classic. I can’t wait until warriors get another epic 4pc bonus so we can go through that saga again.
My guild does not have all that much, but we do refer to being killed in an instance as “getting exalted with the floor”. As a rogue, you can bet I hope that counted in the achievements.
Another one happened when our wacky maggot-queen mage drank a couple of ingame alcohol before a raid, coining the phrase “I got shaved last night”. To this day, “Lets get shaved” has become a strange raid starting battlecry.