How to gem, via a flowchart

This is a rehash of a spectacularly crappy (but very popular) flowchart I did back when Solid Sky Sapphires were the gem di tutti gems. Now +30 stamina may be the order of the day, but our priorities are basically the same: cram as much stamina in your gear as humanly possible. This gem will show you have to do that intelligently, while taking little stam hits for worthwhile avoidance trades.

Like I indicated last time around, there are two caveats:

  • This is hyper-simplified and assumes that you’re not heavily depending on gems or socket bonuses (despite the jokey line) for being uncrit.
  • I couldn’t find a good way to express this, but if you have two gems slots (or, hell, three) and one of them isn’t blue, unless the socket is +12 stamina, put Solids in both/all.


9 Comments to “How to gem, via a flowchart”

  1. Adgamorix 5 October 2009 at 3:15 pm #

    Mmmm – Stamina….

    But, but – Ridach – I’m a new tankadin. What Meta should I use?

    • Rhidach
      5 October 2009 at 3:30 pm #

      That’s clearly a separate flowchart!

      Start -> Are you breathing? -(y)-> Austere Earthsiege Diamond

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  3. jgalt 5 October 2009 at 5:11 pm #

    im bad at math symbols, but in your “greater than/equal to 9 stam,” if the answer is no, wouldnt you want blues? and if yes, then you want the right colored gem to earn the bonus?

    i think you either want to switch yes and no, or flip your sign around

    remember, the little one eats the big one!

  4. Rhidach
    5 October 2009 at 5:48 pm #


    … fixed.

  5. Jeremy 6 October 2009 at 4:35 pm #

    Just a weird note… the whole +9 stamina socket bonus thing I understood, and I came here (from Google Reader…luvit!) to comment on that actually. But since jgalt said it already, and its obviously been fixed on your blog here, its nearly moot. Nearly I say just because I wanted to call attention to something I found weird. When I click the image to open it in a new tab, it shows the old image with the backwards No/Yes on the socket bonus. Just a thought, I’m sure it won’t screw anyone up or anything but I found it odd.

    • Rhidach
      6 October 2009 at 5:13 pm #

      Aha! I figured out what it was. Totally fixed now. Thanks for catching that!

  6. Archnemesis 10 October 2009 at 5:40 pm #

    I am confused over the +9 Stam part… I see the other comments about it being corrected…

    I believe you need to increase the 9 to 15 stam…

    I am working on gemming Conqueror’s Aegis Faceguard… which has a meta, a yellow and a +12 stam bonus… if i follow your cart I end up with 10 def I dont need and only 27 stam VS 30 stam..

    Am I missing something?

    • Rhidach
      12 October 2009 at 1:01 pm #

      Hi Archnemesis, the reason I said that if the bonus is for 9 or more stamina then you should socket with a non-solid gem is because the value of the other stats you’d get from a mixed gem would be worth more ipoints-wise than an extra 3 or 5 stamina. Remember, 10 defense is worth .25% avoidance and 10 agility is worth a chunk of dodge, armor, and crit, which in the end you’ll get more mileage from than another 34 or 57 hp.