Quel’Delar is a huge tease

(Image ganked from mmo-champ.)

When I first heard of this sword, my initial thought was “Tank legendary!” (I am prone to delusions). Then, reports of a quest to purify it in the Sunwell further piqued my lust. And, then I read the chain of datamined quests.

Somehow you get the hilt, and then a series of quests occur where you learn about the sword and how to reforge it. Materials are gathered, the ghost of either Uther or the Blood elf that wielded the sword at the Sunwell visit you, depending on your faction. You then go to the Sunwell itself and dip the blade into the sacred font, making it pure oncemore.

And then you give it to the Argent Cruade.

Efff. What a tease.

While I wasn’t expecting a Legendary forged through five-mans and old raids (even though it looks like you won’t actually have to raid the Sunwell), some kind of usable item would have been nice. A new Quel’serrar-esque tanking weapon perhaps.

Nope, another toy for Tirion. I hate that guy.

3 Comments to “Quel’Delar is a huge tease”

  1. Vorian87 2 October 2009 at 2:34 pm #

    I am going to be VERY VERY disappointed if we cannot use this weapon as players. Handing over QD after this epic questline is just plain retarded.

    The Crusade already ha Tirion and the Ashbringer to unite them. Why do they further need ANOTHER weapon to do the same thing? Weapons are very obvious symbols in a cause but does the Crusade really need two mega-epic weapons?

    I am waiting to see what the lore behind the sword is and how it is connected to the Lich King, other than the Sunwell tidbit and the connection to the Burning Legion.

    And if handing in this item is the only option available then no thank you. I will keep the item in my bags/bank (even if it is just a quest item and not an equippable item).

  2. Smashie 2 October 2009 at 2:55 pm #

    Yeah, the Quel’Delar should be a player weapon without a doubt. Just the idea of having a beefed up Quel’serrar usable at 80 would get any Paladin or Warrior excited.

  3. Sid 2 October 2009 at 9:29 pm #

    At least some decent Blood Elf lore in WotLK!

    Until now, it was as if Blizz was ignoring that we’re the fuckn* race that should (and does) hate Arthas the most, besides the Forsaken.

    High elves lived happily until arthas came and killed 2/3 of our people and destroyed the source of our immortality and magic… and still belfs look like background generic horde troops in this expansion.

    Back on topic: F’ck you Tirion, you already have Ashbringer!! In case you forgot, Ret Pallys cannot dual-wield Two-Handers… that’s Fury Warriors, you doofus! so stop being so greedy and let me keep that sword ¬¬