Not all Onyxia drops suck

I may have been a wee bit rough on the Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman. Yeah, hp5 is utter garbage, and that trinket isn’t ideal for anyone except those that need the defense or heretics from the Church of Effective Health (stamina be stacked upon It), but it’s not the end of the world to own one. The talisman has its uses.

Now, as for some of the other items in Onyxia’s loot table, well they’re interesting to say the least. Some are great, some are situational, and one is garbage. I’ll go through them all.

The Good

  • Judgement Heaume (10: Judgement Helmet) — This head piece has something that tier9 gear desperately needs: hit rating. Grab this as soon as possible for the hit rating, hold on to it for the generous stamina budgeted. All around great helm, and best of all: it looks badass.

The Meh

  • Burnished Quel’Serrar (10: Gleaming) — Not a bad sword overall, but there are better ones at lower iLevels. QS suffers because most of its item budget is spent on a proc, which gives when up 2.7% avoidance and 1500 armor, a heaping helping of stats. Unfortunately, the uptime is about 55% according to most tests. Moreover, you can’t rely on the proc to make you uncrittable, so 540 defense would be a prerequisite for any sane tank to wield this. Moreover, threat-wise, it’s a little lacking. The slow weapon speed is nice for big SoV procs BUT the lack of any threat stats on the sword itself makes it fall behind other weapons of its iLevel, and even below its iLevel. Check out this post by Theck over at Maintankadin for a ranking of weapons according to threat. Overall, I would definitely use this sword for survivability over the 232 Ardent Guard (missing threat can be made up elsewhere). Though, I would probably not choose it over the 245 AG. That much stamina is too hard to pass up.
  • Signified Ring of Binding (10: Runed) — Awesome ring for magic damage heavy fights (Hodir springs to mind immediately). Probably be useful in Icecrown, because dammit you know they are going to have at least one fight with massive amounts of frost damage everywhere.

The “Oh god, kill it with fire!”

  • Shiny Shard of the Flame — No! Don’t even think about it. Put it down and slowly back away.

6 Comments to “Not all Onyxia drops suck”

  1. Adgamorix 1 October 2009 at 3:20 pm #

    You forgot the best drop off all. 3 x Triumph Badges for a 3 minute kill. Double if you do 25s. Plus you don’t have to own WG to get them.


    Oh – also the Q’S gets points for being awesome throwback looking.

    And we’re going to have to agree to disagree about the T2 helm. With the whole set, yeah – it was awesome. Mixed with ToC gear…..I’ll turn off my helm graphic again tyvm.

    • Rhidach
      1 October 2009 at 3:46 pm #

      Hahaha so true. (Er, that is, about the badges. What you said about the Judgement helms is a dirty, awful lie.)

  2. Wrathy
    1 October 2009 at 6:53 pm #

    Apparently I have been cast out, awaiting to be stoned…LOL

  3. Meloree 2 October 2009 at 12:09 am #

    I use the trinket in my Anub passive-unhittable set.

    I’ve never been able to talk a Lavanthor’s Talisman into dropping for me since I found out it would be useful and started running VH for it, and now I don’t need it.

    Obligatory shot at Wrathy: This is the only legitimate use for the trinket. Stamina FTW.

    • Rhidach
      2 October 2009 at 9:09 am #

      It took me about fourteen tries to get my LT. I think it just demands that someone *really* desire it before it’ll drop. It was testing your dedication, haha.

  4. Doxa
    7 October 2009 at 10:42 pm #

    I think I disagree with your assessment of the Burnished Quel’Serrar. My understanding is that the proc has no internal CD. Thus, I doubt that the avoidance loss is that significant.