Better luck next time!
Well last night wasn’t a complete wash. We got Twins down, and rather easily so once we worked out the kinks in our strategy. Anub we were not so lucky on. Phase 2 was a mess, and that we’ll need more time with.
We had Phase 1 down pat, the shifting of Anub over, dragging the second set of Burrowers away, etc. But time and time again Phase 2 was a cluster-you-know-what. People I think kept panicking and rather than paying attention to spikes or helping kill the Scarabs, they were too busy running around like a chicken with their heads cut off. It also didn’t help that the Burrowers kept Shadowy Striking when I was trying to drag them into position and thus wasn’t on my game to do interrupts. Gah.
The Glyph of Holy Wrath is awesome in this fight (awesome idea, Yoggie). Though… I think I still have it on… eek.
But, Quel’Serrar, Serrar. We’ll put in more attempts this week and hopefully have a better time of it.
Oh, also, had an amusing run in with another pally. This guy initially apped to my guild, and was rejected because we heard he was a little overbearing/bossy. Moreover, he’s currently the leader of his guild, and I’m not a fan of aiding and abetting someone ditching a whole guild of people that trust him as their leader.
So lately he’s been whispering me trying to discuss various things and obviously ingratiate himself with me to get a second shot in the guild. And it almost worked! I was feeling kind of guilty, thinking “oh, he seems like a nice guy” and it wouldn’t hurt to let him reapp. While talking I mentioned casually I wanted the Libram of Valiance for a threat set (I mean, we all have different sets for different situations, correct?) which he interprets as me saying “I can’t hold threat evar HALP”.
So, bless his heart, he looks up my armory and immediately lets me know he’s discovered the problem–my spec is crap! You heard it here first, folks.
Now I’m not the be all-end all of pally tanking. There are folks far, far smarter than I and far better at “the biz” than I am. I’m just the lowly messenger. However, I was a bit incredulous at being told I was “doin’ it rong.” This kind soul informed me that my threat is bad because I have too many points in Ret. Oo-kay. He goes on to let me now SotP is the superior threat talent and I should really be going into that, rather than Crusade.
Nevermind the mountains of data at Maintankadin, this fellow knew the score.
After that episode I grabbed any lingering guilt I had, stuffed it in a box, and pushed it right out of the sewer pipe leading out of Dalaran. It’s the carrots’ problem now.
Sounds like your first attempts are going well. If folks are having problems in P2, you can help train them by only shooting down the same number of frost patches when you do Anub on regular mode.
Don’t leave your house to get the adds. Between our two taunts (and I’m assuming you have at least your 2pc T9+) and our shield, the adds should come right to you. If you need to, put a healer right between you and Anub.
IMO – don’t move the adds off the ice….ever. Collateral damage will take them out without ever having to focus fire them. They should be at about 20% when Anub burrows (with him around 60%)
If you want to buy the raid more time, have the MT move Anub away from the ice patch at around 10sec till burrow – and have the DPS shift to the adds. This will give you more time to scatter. This is also when one designated ranged should be busting the next four ice blocks.
In Phase 3 it’s Johnny bar the door – your DPS should be switching to their regularly scheduled DPS rotations. For example shamans pick up their nova totems and use their wrath (if ele), they stop using CL and just LB/FS/LaB rotation – etc. If the adds are starting to stack – pull them off the ice to let them burrow – but they really shouldn’t be a problem.