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hp5 is not a tanking stat

There’s a DK tank in my guild who I reference from time to time. He’s a nice guy, a good player, means well. But, sometimes he has a–oh what’s a nice way to put this–really stupid idea of how tanking works. His latest delusion is that the Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman is a good progression tanking trinket. It’s not.

When it comes to tanking you and I (and him) have two specific jobs: one is to hold threat on the mobs, and the other is to stay alive. To maximize the former we talent for threat, we swap in hit gear, etc. To maximize the latter we stack and enchant stamina to have the highest survivability possible. In this regard, the trinket is a total flop.

As I’ve mourned in the past, EH is king these days. And the reason why is EH is the best metric to determine time to live (TTL), that is, how long you can survive without a heal. When standing up versus a raid boss with silenced healers, what do you think is going to help you survive more: 2000 hp from a trinket, or a tick of 101 hp? The answer is obvious.

We should scorn hp5 for the same reasons we don’t talent into Divinity, it’s just useless overhealing. That tick of 101 hp is not going to save your life unless by some statistical miracle you take a hit that would have been a gib if not for that lucky proc. It’s a one in a million shot. Instead you’re often going to see those magic ticks swept under the ever-rising flood of heals being poured your way.

The only time this trinket should be used is if you’re not yet uncrittable and need the defense, or if you’re farming some vanilla instance and can’t be arsed to self-heal. Otherwise, leave it at home and equipped a stamina trinket.

September 25, 2009


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  1. Logan
    September 25, 2009 at 11:47 am #

    ” or if you’re farming some vanilla instance and can’t be arsed to self-heal.” I find this not even valid, just use Seal of Light/ Judgement of Light.

    As for its use on raids, I totally agree on it’s uselessness… take for example my Northrend beast Heroic wipefest last night.

    Our lovely deeeee peeeee sssssssssssszzzz falls asleep and gets stomped by icehowl, he goes bananas, our Warrior tank is by his side, taunts him and gets instagibbed in 0.4 seconds, a 49.8k hp tank goes down in less than half a second, what use would be a 100 hp tick every 5 seconds on such a situation? not much, even then, i was on the other side of the room, taunt him and as he rushes towards me i pop everything and i mean EVERYTHING (bubblewall, Wall of salvation, trinkets) dodge hit #1, and then get instagibbed as well.
    so, the lesson here is don’t stand in front of a freaking truck coming your way…


    • Rhidach
      September 25, 2009 at 12:12 pm #

      You know, that’s a funny-but-true point. You get much, much more healing out of judging light than from equipping such a subpar trinket. What would ever be the use for this trink?

  2. Resonate
    September 25, 2009 at 12:31 pm #

    “What would ever be the use for this trink?”

    Nostalgia, I guess.

  3. Resonate
    September 25, 2009 at 12:32 pm #

    On that note, we should consider ourselves lucky that they didn’t add an upgraded Essence of the Pure Flame to Onyxia’s loot table.

  4. Lanaka
    September 25, 2009 at 1:58 pm #

    You mean this?

  5. Adgamorix
    September 25, 2009 at 2:08 pm #

    Ahh – Rhidach – you’re missing something here.

    While any tank who is on Ony (10 or 25) shoudn’t need the defense, there are some starting tanks that that trinket is a godsend for. Maybe you’ve got shite for luck and some gnome (#1 reason I rolled horde as soon as I could – I can now kill gnomes) swiped your Gossamar trnket because he “needs it for PvP man!”. Trust me it happens – some lock snaked a brewfest trinket over the tank for that same reason.

    Anyway – while the hp5 is useless (that I agree on), even I will pick this baby up, just so that I have a defense trinket in my bags for those days when I slide below the cap for some reason.

    Bloody gnomes….excuse me – I need to PvP now and kill a few.

    • Rhidach
      September 25, 2009 at 2:20 pm #

      @Adgamorix: Oh I know, that’s why I said “The only time this trinket should be used is if you’re not yet uncrittable and need the defense” :P And oh boy so I remember the pain of pugging Heroic MgT for the Commendation and losing it to a pvper. I wanted to reach through the Intertubes and strangle them.

      @Lanaka: That’s even worse! At least the Purified trinket has defense on it to somewhat justify its existence.

  6. Adgamorix
    September 25, 2009 at 3:34 pm #

    WTH is that shiny shard? Unless Cauterizing whatever is the greatest free heal — ever — there’s no way it could replace any trinket.

    That goes up as “worst trinket ever”

  7. Logan
    September 25, 2009 at 7:35 pm #

    The thing is… you dont get “cauterizing shitheal” unles you wear the 2 trnkets, which makes it suck even more

  8. Lanaka
    September 25, 2009 at 8:22 pm #

    Oh, I’m not saying it’s any good. I’m just responding to what Resonate said about an upgraded trinket on Ony’s loot table. Either her or Nefarion (I can’t remember which) dropped a trinket just like that, back at 60.

  9. tankadin
    September 26, 2009 at 8:20 am #

    Meh, I grabbed it on 10-man in case there’s a resist fight in Ice Crown that’s worse than Hodir. After seeing the melee neck I wanted to kick myself though, but unfortunately I rolled on it for main spec.

  10. Wrathy
    September 26, 2009 at 12:45 pm #

    I actually have to disagree with you. This is just another angle of the long standing debate I am having with the paladin community on the necessity to stack stam stam stam. The hp5 and the fire resist are just relics of the old trinket and should not be considered part of the benefit of the trinket when you are evaluating it.

    The Massive amount of defense and parry on the trinket are completely worth it. This is a best in slot for and avoidance trinket slot, because of the defense and parry alone. Yeah if it was dodge, it would be nice to not have to deal with the steep diminishing returns, but it still compliments a balanced set quite well. I for one will be picking up this trinket and wearing it for a good amount of the fights I tank.

  11. Logan
    September 27, 2009 at 9:35 pm #

    Well Wrathy, I see your point, however, I disagree, the thing is, even if you stack Avoidance (Which has it´s very own place, I´m not saying to go for Stam and stay on 30% avoidance) you are bound to end up with a very large health pool nowadays, why? because pretty much all gear right now has a very healthy mix of both things, you get a very nice threat pieces, some incredible avoidance ones, but there is one constant there, they all have HUGE chucks of stamina, why? well I can see 2 reasons:
    First, STA is cheap, and i mean that on the whole itemization standpoint, you can get 2 points of STA and it costs as much as one point of STR, and it´s all good.
    Second, unless you somehow manage to get to 100% raw avoidance (something i dont think is possible right now), if you manage to get hit by a boss, you WILL take damage, and the thing is, Big Bad Bosses nowadays hit HARD, so, you have to be able to soak up some punches, so you must have a large health pool anyway.

    Personally, i believe there has to be a midpoint, or as tennis players can say, a “Sweet Spot”, where you do have a large enough health pool to take the punches, and still be capable of not taking all of them, because, we might be masochistic meatbags, but we cant afford severe brain cell damage from a 30k hit, right?

  12. Logan
    September 27, 2009 at 9:39 pm #

    Oh yeah, and i agree, the HP5 sucks, the fire resist sucks, and it´s from that age when everything from greens to epics had spirit just because… and made itemisation a lot less focused and specialized than it is today, and we all look at that time with rose-tinted goggles and say, “whoa those were the times”, yeah, the times when you spent more time farming mats for consumables than actually raiding because you had to make sure all 40 people were at their keyboards, understood the fight and well, do something else besides creating loot drama because bosses dropped very little loot and….

  13. Ohmymoogle
    September 28, 2009 at 9:35 pm #

    The way i looked at the ony trink is.

    “upgrade from thaddius defense trink”.

    The reason i say this is because you get Defense + an avoidance stat, which makes this trinket not bad. The spellresist may be ok i guess for resist fights for certain bosses. The Hp thing i barely thought about it since it didn’t seem that big a deal. Nice but hardly appetizing.

    As a high end tank i doubt i will need this trinket except for certain instances where my defense drops rock bottom and i need a trinket to equalize my defense back into shape ( i rarely get to this point by the way ).

    Otherwise i would stick to the impending scarab + iron heart (or King Llane) combination which is way superior.

    Anyway this is my current gear set

    I am using the 2 x 170 stamina trinkets from Direbrew instead of my alternative trinkets, black heart, stone furnace and frostborn. Any thoughts ? My dodge is around 25% ish, parry 21% ish, block around 45% ish with roughly 37k (when using the 2 stamina trinkets unbuffed).


  1. Stamina versus Balance, the debate rages on « Avenging Wrathy - September 29, 2009

    [...] of what I want to talk about today. In response to some of the comments that have been posted on Rhidach’s post about the Onyxia trinket, I wanted to go into a bit more depth on my philosophy of Stamina vs. anything else. I know that I [...]