Do want!

Anyone wanna get me one of these for my impending bday?

Exit question: With diminishing returns, think it’s possible to hit 100% avoidance with that equipped?

5 Comments to “Do want!”

  1. Logan 26 September 2009 at 5:11 pm #

    depends, are you using only the ring? or a full tanking set + the ring? Anyway, i believe that even with the full tanking gear you would be unable to hit 100% avoidance due to diminishing returns, unles you were a lvl 1 =P

  2. Adgamorix 28 September 2009 at 12:28 pm #

    There’s the rub isn’t it. Much like the shirt of one shot – would you, knowing that you shouldn’t have this – wear it?

    • Rhidach
      28 September 2009 at 1:42 pm #

      Oo… good question. I think I wouldn’t. However, if it were +1000 stamina… then the temptation would be a lot stronger.

  3. Adgamorix 28 September 2009 at 3:45 pm #

    I dunno – because I’m fairly certain that since 1000 defense would make you unhittable, even with diminishing returns, so it’d be trivial to tank everything in the game by yourself. Come along adds of Anub – you can’t hurt me if you can’t touch me.

    Seeing as you’d be risking your account – and your reputation – I’d have to pass. But it would be tempting. I’d be more tempted to ask for permission to use it once – because Blizzard (rightly so) has a pretty low tolerance for this kind of abuse.

    Would still be fun though.

  4. Logan 28 September 2009 at 6:33 pm #

    Well, I dont think Rhidach said he “got” such item, and neither that we would use it, the only situation here would be to find out if a Tank could become unhittable form the ring alone, but honestly, I dont buy it.
    Although I need to kink myself on the nuts, just noticed the ring says “Equip: Defense +1000″, not “Equip: Defense rating+1000″, so… I dunno, anyone dares to ask Theck?