The beatdown goes on
Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love severely undertuned new bosses.
I know, I know, the Coliseum is meant to be easy on normal settings. Heroic mode is where the wheat is separated from the chaff. Still, I feel dirty after how easily we roflstomped the Twin Val’kyrs. I had high hopes that after the drubbing the Champions gave us last week that maybe the challenge was ramping up a bit. But, alas, no.
After the standard “we don’t know where the bosses appear” wipe, and the supplementary “testing out every aspect of the fight until boss enrages” wipe, we then killed it with ease on the third try.
The set-up
Before you start, split the raid up into two equal groups.
The thick black bar represents the large wooden doors that bosses enter the Coliseum through. Edyis Darkbane will appear on the left side and Fjola Lightbane on the right. When the fight starts, also, four portals will spawn. Two are light (white) and two are dark (purple).
The group on Darkbane stands on the left side of the Coliseum facing the door, Lightbane’s group on the right. When the fight starts the portals spawn and the doors open. Quickly click on the portal in front of your group (light for Darkbane, dark for Lightbane) and then run down to the portal by the door (dark for Darkbane, light for Lightbane) to pick up the boss.
What to watch for
There are two major events in this fight. I’m going to pair these explanations with what Demo would bellow as they were happening since it was a good way to simplify the event and let everyone know what to do.
“EVERYONE SWITCH TO [Light/Dark] [if you'd be so kind]”
Either boss will periodically summon a Vortex of their polarity which will do massive AOE damage to anyone who does not share the same polarity as the casting boss. So, for example, Darkbane will cast Dark Vortex. Immediately, everyone with Light Essence should click the portal next to Darkbane to gain Dark Essence. Then, while she’s casting Vortex still, run down to the light portal that was clicked at the start of the fight, and after the Vortex hits, click it to gain light essence. Then, bring Darkbane back to the dark portal.
“EVERYONE ON [Lightbane/Darkbane] [thanks in advance]”
Either boss will also cast a spell called “Twin Pact” that will put a shield on them and begin channeling a 15 second heal. The shield needs to be dps’d down and the heal interrupted before it goes through, or the Twins get 20% of their hp back. When one of them starts casting it, everyone on the opposite side of the room needs to click the portal next to their boss and run over to the casting boss to break the shield off. You won’t be able to do effective dps against the shield unless you have the opposite polarity of the boss.
So, for example, Darkbane casts Twin Pact. Everyone dpsing Lightbane clicks the light portal next to her and dashes across the room to Darkbane and breaks the shield down. The heal is interrupted, then Lightbane’s dps clicks the dark portal next to Darkbane and runs back to their original boss.
Other things to watch for
As a tank be careful for Twin Spike, which is a damage increase they get from time to time. According to the buff they get +100% weapon damage, but honestly, I didn’t ever feel like I was in any danger when this occurred.
Moreover, a boss will occasionally put a “Touch of [Light/Darkness]” on a random person in your group. Make sure everyone knows that if they get this debuff they need to run away from their group, because they’re going to do nasty damage on anyone with the opposite polarity of the touch they received.
Lastly, orbs will spawn from time to time and fly around the boss. They do negligible damage in normal mode, so just tell people to try to absorb as many as they can, light or dark, before they reach the boss. If the boss gets too many orbs of their polarity, they’ll soft enrage. But we spread out enough we didn’t have that issue last night. Moreover, if you catch enough orbs of your polarity you’ll gain an Empowered buff that will increase your damage by 100%.
But seriously
As complicated as I’ve made this seem… it’s not. It is a total and utter loot pinata, and as soon as your raid gets the mechanics down, you’ll one shot it every week.
I had no idea I was so polite. :)
Rhidach is correct… When he explained this fight to me it seemed like the most ridiculously complicated thing in the world. In practice it was simple.
Just make when you’re DPSing your assigned boss that you have the opposite “polarity” as she does and keep that mindset when you have to run across the room to DPS with the shield, make sure you switch…
My head hurt trying to explain this to the raid, but as complicated as they were we all caught on quickly and added them to the pile of dead bodies outside the service entrance to the Coliseum.
The fight has been fixed supposedly now, making it a bit more challenging:
The following bug fixes to Val’kyr Twins were just deployed, and they will increase the overall difficulty of the encounter.
- Surge of Light and Surge of Darkness were not being cast properly on Normal difficulties.
- Light Vortex was doing less damage than Dark Vortex.
Along with those two major bug fixes, we also increased the rate with which the Concentrated Light and Concentrated Darkness spawns.
As a main tank all i did was, click ligh portal once, grab white boss, and tank it center between the 4 orbs. I was just tanking like this and not bothering with any of the orbs at all after i had clicked it once at the start of the fight.
On one of the tries when my off tank died, i even taunted his target and tanked them for a very long time. With my gear i am not scared of these bosses at all.
However the fight all depends on the dps and heals whether they click the correct orbs at the right time, break down the shields and interupt heals. The boss kept healing a lot which was driving my raid crazy. Eventually though we did kill them :p
Harder then it looks, but if your a tank this is very simple. Not hard either for other classes as long as they know what orb to click and when.