Get me outta here!
I danced around the issue in my last post but now I’m going to just say it outright: I am sick and tired of Ulduar25. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that Titanguard is an elaborately constructed hoax, or that thanks to a delayed strike of the summer slump we’re having trouble clearing simple farm content.
We started off the night somewhat dimly, with only 24 raiders online and I had each and every one of them invited. We probably had about 18 or so regular raiders, and the rest were people whose time in Ulduar was severely limited. Usually it’s fair to say that doesn’t bode well.
One enjoyable part of the raid was in the run up to and the fight with FL, we had Palehoof in the raid. I seldom mention it but He Of Green Text is one of my guildees and his schedule has precluded him from raiding for a while now.
He’ll soon be able to start joining us regularly which is pretty cool, but in any case, it was pretty funny seeing Pale and his father in the same raid. His dad (also a hunter) joined us at the end of Naxx and started raiding with us regularly through Ulduar. It’s been interesting to watch Pale’s father going from being RAFed up and then slowly but surely getting decked out in better gear (and seeing more content) than his son.
It was–blech, I’ll use the word–cute to listen to them interact in vent during the pre-FL clearing as the father drove and the son was the gunner. Palehoof saying things like “dad I’m out range of the pyrite” and the father giving advice on how to shoot down choppers or pyrite barrels… like something out of a father’s day card. I opened up iTunes, cranked up Harry Chapin’s “Cats in the Cradle,” and let it warm the icy recesses of my shriveled, jaded heart.
But anyway, enough of this happy crap.
Actually, on second thought, I’m not going to dwell on this too much, because I’m sure it gets to tedious to read a blog where every other post is “waa waa raidz r harrrrd” (this isn’t LiveJournal fer chrissakes). Suffice it to say, the fallout of all this nonsense is probably when the Coliseum comes out we’re probably dropping down to 10man groups and going through a rebuilding period. Any dps that thought it was ok to coast and do 3k in a raid will soon find themselves benched, and I can’t wait for the questioning of why they’re not taken to raids anymore. The lootz will be less epic, but honestly it’ll be worth it not to drop 80g on repair bills in one night.
(Is it patch day yet? How about now?)
We did that same thing – but we cut and ran early. Our 10 man is already re-formed and we’re still hitting Algalon. Yeah – can’t wait for 3.2.
We kinda did the same, after last week´s lame performance, the officer corps decided we were not going to drag people around anymore, shut the guild down, reformed, and last night went to Uld 10 man focusing on Hard modes. we didnt manage to get FL with 4 Towers, so we had to put it down a notch and 1 shot him with 3. went on to XT, and raped his mechanic behind to get Heartbreaker, moved onto Kologarn and got “With open arms by just DPSing him, freeing the first two people grabbed, and then ignoring them and just burning him down.