By fire be showered with purples!
Rawr. I love doing the old world raids. Something about storming your way with three other people through a deep, firey doom that once took forty strikes me as just right.
I’ve been tricking friends to run MC with me from time to time so I could go for the two Bindings of the Windseeker, so one day I could sport a legendary that’s 20 levels out of date. (I dream of standing outside of the bank with it equipped like all the kool kids seem to be doing these days.)
Because raid last night was cancelled (and thus Thorim lives to confound another week) we were looking for something to do, so the crew and I headed over to ZG to try to get some mounts to drop for Cendra. That failed we went over to Kara for another mount run, and then to kill Nightbane for Ildara’s long-ignored Cudgel of Kardesh quest.
You know, if you told me a year ago that I’d look back on Kara as fondly as I did last night, I’d've told you to shut your damn dirty mouth.
Probably all raids look much better through nostalgia-colored glasses, though. I can only imagine how many people hated MC back in the day.
(Side note: I’m happy to report we one-shot Door Boss heading into Kara. Woo.)
Anyway, after Kara I cajoled everyone to head to MC and thus we did, spending about 10 minutes chit chatting endlessly with Lothos Riftwalker while we waited for one of his portals to let us in. Once inside, finally, we decided on a full clear and made our way through the bosses.
Garr unfortunately did not yield either of the two things I wanted from him: the right-hand Binding or the schematic for the Force Reactive Disk. He did drop the gloves to the banana shoulders set which I guess is nice.
After Garr I ran over to Geddon and pulled him into the hallway where we took him down. While poking through the loot table I thought I started to hallucinate because–was that really–no, couldn’t be…
Oh my yes. Binding number one was now mine.
After the initial excitement died down, followed by some secondary excitement, I realized that the others had run off without me. Shopping lists of elementium coursed through my mind while all the while a dark voice whispered “pah, good luck getting the other binding. Slash cackle.”
I hate that guy.
We cleared the rest of the bosses, scared off Executus, and then plodded down to Ragnaros’ Spiral of Doom. The old boy was summoned and we put him down like a bear in a campground parking lot.
He dropped his purps, among which were the Judgement legs, which now brings my total of T2 pieces to, er, two.
All in all I good night for acquiring inconsequential items.
Ah, Molten Chore.
Ambrosyne walked out of our for-lulz run with a firey halo and a pretty dress. She showed up to the gig in full t2, because I miss that set so. Damn. Much. :D WTB that armor designer back, plox.
I also yelled LOOT THE DOGS over vent just because I could.
Grats on the bindings.
On a side note, we finally downed Thorim 25 this week after a ton of wipes. Some things that really helped in the arena:
1 Tank (Paladin) on Darkrune Champions and 2 DPS dedicated to getting them down. I think at most we had 2 Champions running around.
1 Tank (Paladin) dedicated to Evokers with the rest of arena DPS on them.
1 Priest spamming dispel.
I really think having dedicated teams in the arena made the difference, as we were able to keep from getting overrun until Thorim came down.
Hallway group had a bear tank and that seems to work well.