On a roll-duar
Last night was probably the absolute most stressful raid night I’ve had in a while. Not because we wiped endlessly to a farm boss, or because there was some major loot drama. No–even worse–I had to lead it!
(Demogar, you are dead to me.)
I’m sure those of you who regularly lead raids are thinking “oh shut the hell up” at this point. And I agree, not a huge deal in the scheme of things. I’m just so used to being the guy in the background, crunching the numbers, and devising new strategies that to have to do the actually leading… it’s a thing of terror. I’m not as up to date on the dkp system as I should be, so there were some missteps on my part, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed after the raid on the guild website.
Anyway, the raid didn’t solely consist of me sweating uncontrollably and taking frequent afks to weep gently in a corner. Oh no, much more than that!
We started with Razorscale and then jumped over to Ignis. Ol’ Fire Crotch proved a little bit of an obstacle only because our tanking was different than how we’ve just about always been doing it. Usually I’m managing the adds with someone else but I had to swap in as the Ignis tank. Normally this is fine, but the add management was, shall we say, lacking. Healers frequently got mauled by golems and general panic ensued. However, after the wipe a quick switch in tank assignments saw me in my element and we downed it with little difficulty.
After Ignis we dissolved the Assembly of Iron Governor General-style and rolled on to knock down the two remaining Keepers we have on farm. Freya, as faithful readers of my ramblings know, is sometimes of an issue for us because our dps tends to tunnel-vision. Considering how important it is for the three elementals not to be killed too far apart from each other (chronologically speaking), it kind of necessary dps pays attention to the freaking health bars.
Thankfully Demo was back on by then, so I was able to rotate him in to the raid so his melodious bellowing could sheperd us to victory.
And we did the inconceivable: everyone paid attention and we one shot Freya. No resets, no wipes, no setbacks. Just a clean kill.
After that we marched over to Mimiron to encounter him the second time in a week (we previously killed him for the first time on Sunday) we were pretty much ready for the fight but there was a nagging fear in some of us (ok, in me) that Sunday’s one-shot might have been an accident, or just serendipity. But thankfully, we one-shot Mim again, definitely proving that Sunday’s success was not a fluke (it was a much cleaner kill this time around, as well).
Now we have Sunday completely free of anything but Thorim, and hopefully Vezax. I’m sure that with no distractions we’ll be able to focus and get Sparky down once and for all.
/fail angel
/Lyrandre whimpers
I think that Ignis, along with Iron Council, are two of my least favorite fights. Blargh.
I kinda like Wipe Council and Ignis, specially the latter, since i get t tank it and send warrior to add duty. Because I can XD