It’s all right to be wrong
Really, there there. Everything’s going to be a-ok pal. World’s not gonna end. Happens to the best of us.
Just like everybody poops, from the lowliest Victorian chimney sweep boy to the King of Siam (ok, my copy of the book may be a bit outdated), everyone is wrong about something from time to time. Honestly, it doesn’t make you less of a person to admit you were mistaken.
I like to think I’m pretty open to admitting my own faults. Hell, I’ve been wrong about stuff on this blog, and I’ve admitted as much!
Nonetheless, the reason I’m delving into this topic of self-delusion is based on an incident this weekend in guild and a personality trait I’ve noticed in one guildee that seems to surface more often than not.
The other day I was minding my own business in Un’goro, passing through to snuff out some bonfires, when one of the officers asked in guild chat why the Naxx run scheduled on Thursday was cancelled. I didn’t remember anyone intending to cancel it so I checked the calendar. It was still there. A couple of people, myself included, piped in saying we could see it still.
“Nope. It was cancelled. I got a cancellation message in the mail.”
But… it’s there… look, I can sign up and remove my name from it!
“You’re wrong.”
But if you’ll just open your calendar and look at it…
“Calendar must be wrong, I got a cancellation notice.”
If everyone else can see this event, maybe, just maybe [honored guild colleague], you’re incorre–
“Nope. And nope.”
Okie dokie. Obviously not going to win this one, someone is clearly a little too invested in their own veracity. Can’t damage the brand name, and all that.
Along this vein there is one person in the guild who also has a zealous, Scarlet Crusadesque devotion to that great whiteboard in the sky where some seraph is tallying up how many arguments he’s won. Unlike example A, this gentleman likes to counter opinions to the contrary with waves upon waves of misinformation. And any facts that don’t prove his point are dismissed as false data.
For example, someone was asking about the Paladin judging system, having just rolled a wee little Pally themselves. He Who Knows All informed the questioner that they should be picky with which judgement they use (not seal, judgement) because different judgements do different damage. As you, my fellow seasoned Paladins, know, what you judge only affects what dot you put on the mob. What damage the judgement does is based on the seal.
I piped in to correct him, and to prove my point I linked the three judgement spells. He immediately logged off and onto his Paladin to assuredly go wail on a target dummy for a few hours to hopefully find someway to prove his point. I never heard from him again on the subject.
It’s unreal the lengths people will go to delude themselves, and attempt to delude others, into believing what they assert. The world would undoubtedly be a much better place if once and a while everyone could swallow their damn pride and admit that, yeah, they were wrong about x or y. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with being wrong. You’ll survive if you admit it, I promise.
29 June 2009 at 1:17 pm #
No one ever likes to have egg on their face but sometimes it is true that people go to absurd lengths to not admit they’re wrong. It just sucks if the leadership have this quality.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
Rhi – I know these types more then i would like -.-;
You know what this reminds me off. People who are locked into other raids but never bother checking before zoning in ….
Whenever someone cannot zone into a raid while everyone else is inside. The first thing out of their mouths is, “i don’t see you ?”
So what do you do then ? Type /raidinfo and check if your locked to another raid DUH !!!!
But sadly this obvious thing for them to check, they never bother. Instead they leave it up to the raid leader to figure out. So then i ask them to do a /raidinfo to see if their locked, they vehemently say they were never locked to this raid before ….
hmm…k…. But if 9 of us are inside and we don’t see you, and your inside and you don’t see us, then your probably locked to another raid si ???
Rhi just boot that noob out of guild imho. If i was GM i’d instant kick self deluding scrubs like that :x
30 June 2009 at 8:37 am #
Ha, if only! They’re both officers. :\
What rule says we can’t kick out an officer?
I was the one who asked the question about judgements. Because my “Wee little Pally” runs out of mana quite often I was using Judgement of Wisdom all the time. I then got worried that perhaps I was unnecessarily nerfing my damage so I asked a quick question (Instead of doing any research myself). Hilarity ensued. Personally though I don’t agree with kicking disagreeable people. I usually try to turn the tables and make a joke of it. Sometimes by making people see the absurdity of their behavior you can influence them into a little self examination. Next time they may notice at least a glimmer of what everyone else sees and perhaps that will influence them to adjust their behavior in the future. Perhaps….