Foolsss… save the one in the dress!
Alas, I forgot to upload a screenshot last night (so you’ll have to take my word for it) but we totally destroyed Hodir last night. Complete one shot, and all because of a new strategy.
I swear that’s always the way too–an encounter seems impossible and you spend so much time slamming your head up against it, but then you change one stupid thing and suddenly the fight is a cakewalk.
What we did differently this time is only free the mages. Doing so gives you so much more dps time on Hodir, thanks to the mages freeing the other frozen npcs for you. The only downside is that they won’t free anything out of range, so you’ll probably lose a few npcs before the end of the fight.
Another key strategy (actually part and parcel to the first) is to mark the two mages so dps can free them as soon as possible after each Flash Freeze. Use this macro (if Horde) to mark the npcs and not the ice block that encases them:
/tar Amira Blazeweaver
/script SetRaidTarget(“target”,8)
/tar Veesha Blazeweaver
/script SetRaidTarget(“target”,7)
Substitute Missy Flamecuffs and Sissy Flamecuffs for Alliance.
It might also be a good idea to mark any Boomkins you have in raid so they don’t get ignored thinking by raiders assuming they’re npcs.
But yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy Hodir was with this new strategy. I think it’s safe to say he’s squarely on farm status after only one drop.
As for loot, the Conqueror’s chest token dropped and I burnt 166 dkp on winning it. The price was a bit much but honestly there’s not many drops left in Ulduar25 I really want outside of the currently inaccessible (T8.5 shoulders, Boreal Guard, Libram) so I can afford to splurge my dkp a little. Saves up some emblems for me as well to spend on the vendor gear.
18 June 2009 at 3:56 pm #
My guildmates have mentioned how every time they see a frozen moonkin they wonder how I can be so clumsy to get myself flash frozen every single time… until they take a second look and realize that it’s an NPC and not me. ;_;
Hana: Well that just means you need to get them to buy the wow energy drink mountain dews, and and get proper rest before coming to raid :p
Rhi good tips for the marking macro, i will use that. I also read on wowhead to free only the mage as it will free the others and this helps on dps. I suspected as much that it will only free those nearby … thanks for confirming for me.
Hodir can easily be solo tanked if your tank can remain in 3 pieces of frost gear and still be crit capped. But sadly for my raids, people just don’t know what to do even though i’ve repeated it over and over like a chantra the whole the stategy. People need to either start learning to read raid chat or go watch utube imho :/
To sum it up.
1. Good geared tank in 3 pieces of frost gear while still remaining at high HP and def capped, and nice damage mitigation
2. Only break mage that is all.
3. DPS stand in the white light for haste.
4. Healers and range dps stand at fire.
5. People must not stand in small circles. But when there are big circles, wait outside of them but nearby, wait till snow falls down before getting into them within 3 seconds before boss does his spell to ice block….
6. good heals and dps as usual
Simple fight really :x it’s just a matter of praying you don’t have idiots in your raid.
[...] of the two. Hodir we initially considered a giant, frozen brick wall, but with the assistance of our new strategy the fight was simplified to the point of absurdity. I can’t count how many times in my [...]