New layout
Curious about opinions? Good/great/awful?
Need to change a few things still:
- New header image
- Play with the color scheme a little more (less green)
- Go back and resize images which will stretch page on old entries (ugh!)
But still, feedback please!
I love it. The color scheme makes everything really easy to read.
I like the new theme! Good work.
I like the new layout a lot- very clean and easily navigable. I do get a little lag changing from the main page to the comments section and back, but that may be on my end; I am not sure. I saw that you want to update the banner. My suggestion to you is to make it a Flash banner- small enough so as not to cause lag, but cool enough to represent a page that mentions Falowin.
I like the new layout in general. Color scheme is nice. The colors don’t fit my personal taste all that well, but who cares – it’s not my blog.
I don’t like the size of the menu bar at the top, nor the titles of all the sections over there on the right, it’s all a bit tall in my opinion and doesn’t really look….right? I don’t know, they’re too big to me.
I also feel the lag that Falowin mentioned, but it’s not a huge problem really.
Overall I like it, but there’s my two copper.
18 June 2009 at 10:25 am #
@Psynister: Thanks for the indepth feedback! I agree with the top menu buttons. They’re supposed to have flavor text under the big word, so there’s room for that. But because I can’t think of anything good to put in there, I’ll probably reduce the size. As for the right menu, those are way too huge as well, now that you mention it. Definitely something to reduce.
18 June 2009 at 4:45 pm #
I do like the design, but I’m going to be a stick-in-the-mud and bemoan the loss of the mobile skin you used to have. I do all my blog reading from a cell phone and the mobile theme makes everything so much faster. ;)
Not to be the bad guy here, but I liked the old theme better. First time I got across your blog I noticed the design and then the awesome writing (which made me come back daily afterward).
Sidebars seem to just.. float there, with no relation whatsoever to the rest of the design. Also, on a single page (like About) the post content seems to end very abruptly.
I’m sure that with some tweaking it will get better (banner, menu, color scheme, etc.). Or maybe I’m just too used to the old style.
I like the colors. Very good choice imho.
I have a suggestion.
Add boss guides for Ulduar to your webpage. Now is the prime time for it :x
Another suggestion.
Comments is a bit lacking in features.
1. We need edit so we don’t spam multiple comments.
2. In order to use the edit i mentioned, you may need to enable the registration feature.
3. add in codes for quoting to help separate stuff that are quoted. Also bold, underline and those other codes would be nice to have as well.
21 June 2009 at 11:16 pm #
@Moogle: I do have registration enabled. You can register by going to and registering there, I believe. You can also use html code to underline/bold/italicize in comments.
Now I just need to figure out how to do a “Read more” tag for your comments. :P