Better Late Than Never Friday 6/5

I’ll skip the normal fluffy introduction to this feature, but let it be said: woo, Friday!

archaedas’ lost legplates thoughts

Not a fan at all. No defense means you need some serious defense on other pieces to make up for the gap, and expertise is such a wasted stat for us. Unless you have defense to spare I would avoid these pants.

are tankadins better with swords, axes, or maces?

Depends on your race. Blood Elves, Dwarves, and Draenei get no melee weapon bonuses, but humans get a 3 Expertise bonus to swords and maces. Expertise is of course basically crap (especially +3), so it’s not a game changer.

Correction! Muiran points out in the comments that Dwarves get a mace spec bonus of +5 expertise, as well.

does blood draining work for hunters

I hope not.

for paladin how much spell power do you get for each stamina

With Touched by the Light 3/3 you get .3 spellpower for every 1 point of stamina.

last laugh vs stoneguard

Last Laugh, hands down.

where will i find vrykul

I’m going to assume this is a question about the JCing daily, and not just in general (because they’re nearly everywhere in Northrend). Closest Vrykul to Dalaran is the area with the blight pool/blighted proto drakes in southwest Storm Peaks. Just fly over the Argent base, and you’ll be there in no time.

tankadin need hitrating

Thanks to all our many instant, high-threat attacks, hit isn’t as huge a deal for us as it is for other tanking classes. However, for consistent threat you probably want around 3-4% of it. Don’t ever gem for hit, though, you’ll get it organically from your gear. Also, it’s more than likely you’ll reach hit cap in Ulduar25 gear (I’m sitting at 7.9% right now) and that is not a bad thing. Embrace it!

8 Comments to “Better Late Than Never Friday 6/5”

  1. Logan 5 June 2009 at 12:38 pm #

    Cookies or pancakes?

  2. Rhidach
    5 June 2009 at 12:51 pm #

    Cookies are for threat sets, pancakes for avoidance.

  3. Muiran 5 June 2009 at 7:36 pm #

    Dwarves get +5 expertise with both 1H and 2H maces. Not that it’s a big deal, but it’s still something to consider.

    • Rhidach
      6 June 2009 at 9:58 am #

      @Muiran: Thanks for the correction! Sneaky Alliance racials…

  4. Logan 5 June 2009 at 9:24 pm #

    Then it’s a no brainer… give Cookies to lolwarriors, let us have pancakes!

  5. Logan 5 June 2009 at 10:42 pm #

    I play horde T_T no expertise for me…

  6. Logan 5 June 2009 at 10:45 pm #

    So… Can I haz pancakez?

  7. Logan 6 June 2009 at 11:50 am #

    Full Valorous Prot Pally LFG! Will tank for pancakes!