Hard-mode FL 10man down


Last night Uld25 didn’t happen (which is baffling… it was Wednesday!) so after levelling a bit with the DK I was asked if I wanted to try hard-mode Flame Leviathan in 10 man. We attempted it once beforehand, half-heartedly, just to see what it was like. We left the Freya tower up, which turned out to be somewhat difficult.

This time we left the Hodir tower up which wasn’t as bad as some descriptions make it out to be. Basically the three changes are: all our vehicles move 20% slower, FL gets 50% more health (giving it around 34 million hp), and these two roaming columns of white light randomly chase down someone and attempt to freeze them in place. If you stay constantly moving they’re cake to avoid.

The biggest thing about this is shutting down FL as often as possible. That means the fight starts with people getting tossed up, you’ll have a shutdown less than a minute in,  have bikes retrieve catapultees and bring them back to be relaunched as soon as FL starts moving again.

Also one of the deciding factors on that last attempt was when Cen hopped off his bike and into my demolisher to nab me a pyrite barrel, that gave me 5 more pyrite rounds for the last shutdown, which definitely knocked a major chunk of health out.

The best part of it all? Hard mode drops 2 Emblems of Conquest! I am now 11 emblems away from my T8 helm.

3 Comments to “Hard-mode FL 10man down”

  1. Ohmymoogle 5 June 2009 at 3:59 am #

    gratz on your achievement.

    So Orbital bombardment = hard mode ? Then i’ve done it in Ulduar 25 once :]

    The easiest is leaving the Fire Tower up. It makes a ring of fire which is easily avoidable. For fire rays, their static and don’t move when they appear.

    Driver Guide.

    *For all drivers: If your targeted by FL, Run your ass off. You will be kiting it. A smart kiter will kite in wider bigger circles. Meaning you want to tank him in a wider area rather then a small one you will get raped unecessarily. Also 6-7 seconds all vehicles not yet targeted should keep some healthy distance.

    Siege Engine: unless your FL’s target, stay in melee range behind FL and use shock which is spell 2 to dispel his Flame Vents as the raid take substantive damage from that. 6-7 seconds before he switches target, make sure you start moving away from FL. Try and shock him though before moving away. After the target has switched to someone else who isn’t you, just use your sprint ability to get back into melee range asap.

    Demolishers: Always stay ranged from boss. Your melee dps is not as good as your ranged damage spell. Make sure you light up oil that is thrown on floor, however make sure that boss is going to go on it or is on it. Don’t light up oil unecessarily as we take damage when we drive through it. If your passenger loads themselves into the catapult, you must immediately aim carefully at FL and catapult them onto it. Do not waste the pyrite attack as you need to be convertive with it. There is a way to dps but prolonging your pyrite. 11121112 i think is the combo, correct me if i am wrong.

    Choopers: Your role is to oil up the ground between FL and whoever he is chasing. This is to slow down FL substantially. You don’t do much in terms of dps, but your a big help when it comes to keeping the raid alive. Your 2nd role is to pick up members of the raid thrown onto FL but then fell of it later. Get ready to pick them up and put them back in their old vehicles.

  2. lol 9 June 2009 at 4:20 am #

    this isnt hardmode, hardmode is 4T only :/

    • Rhidach
      9 June 2009 at 8:07 am #

      Semi-hardmode. :\