My guild’s DKP system
Credit for this whole set up goes to Demo, who not only found the addons but also figured out how to make them work and through his constant, unceasing, incessant nagging forced the guild to adopt them. … And I mean that in a good way.
Here are the addons that every raiding guild member is required to have (you won’t get the bidding window without them):
- Bidder
- Bidder_BossAuction
And these are the addons the DKP admins need to run the system:
- DKPmon
- DKPmon_CSV
- DKPmon_BossAuction
- CT_RaidTracker
All addons can be found on this page.
Yes, it seems like a lot, but honestly it all runs very smoothly. The way it works for the rank and file is when a boss is downed the master looter gets a loot window from DKPmon that gives him the option to “Open for Bidding”. Doing so activates the window in my screenshot where raiders can click on an item and enter their bid. No one knows how much the others bid on an item, it’s totally silent.
When bidding is closed, DKPmon is used to announce the winners and how much each person paid for an item, and then the master loot uses the “Distribute” option to give out the loot to the winners and deduct points as spent.
And at the end of the night the DKP admin exports the raid and uploads it to the ES guildlaunch site giving you a page like this.
The whole system is very painless to use once you get the hang of it. I very much recommend it!
1 June 2009 at 2:38 pm #
Very nice. I was hoping you’d post on this topic.
Interesting, what sort of DKP system(s) does it support? Static bid amounts? Percentage amounts? Zero-Sum?
Does it *require* that all members get Bidder, or is there an alternate bidding method (eg: via PM)?
Sidenote, you should check out Subscribe to Comments (, it’s pretty kickass and I would have loved using it in this situation to be notified of your reply.
1 June 2009 at 7:45 pm #
I hope this makes loot more drama-free for you. I have had pretty good experiences with DKP myself. Best wishes!
I like the GUI and i agree for a silent bid this looks great.
But i don’t really like silent bids, because i suck at gambling.
The biggest con of silent bids is other people trying to burn out your dkp by playing mind games with you to push you to blow all your dkp.
Putting silent bids aside, is your dkp system allowed to hoarde dkp points or is there a cap imposed ?
Because if some new person joined and other raiders have a billion dkp, that doesn’t seem really fair.
Of course new people by right never really are able to outbid the normal members on their first run when it comes to DKP, but neither should they be put at such a huge margin of dkp hoarding.
If it were up to me, i’d say a cap should be a month worth of raiding. So say count how many instances your raid does, then count how many bosses there are for bosses in those instance then multiply by a fix amount or dkp gained per boss kill. This would then be the fixed cap meaning you cannot hoard dkp past this.
Then you can also use silent bids with then people can gamble. Although my preference would be for the mod to be although silent, after bids have been made, a list of players who bidded appears.
They then look at who has the highest PR to determine who wins and gets the loot.
Basicallt it is the EPGP system. EP = points accumulated from boss kills. GP = you gain this whenever you spend points, its called gear points. so PR is what determines who has priority for gear. so the formula is EP divided by GP = PR.
It makes sense. So even if you got lots of EP, this does not mean you will necessarily win all the time because as your GP increases, your Pr gets lower and lower. This is to prevent loot hogs.
Also EP and GP will deteriorate by 10% each week. This is to give incentive for raiders to raid or all their points will be gone due to inactivity for not attending raids.
Anyway i wish your mod could be modified for EPGP system :[
The DKPmon addon has plugins for all sorts of DKP systems including ep/gp. The silent bid system is working extremely well for us this far a d most importantly everyone seems to really like it.
LOL you crack me up Rhi.
Demogar, can the system be used to be silent bid, but at the end the loot master can post who were the bidders ? Is this possible.
Rhi – I tried out xloot and it rocks dude thanks. Do you use the xloot group plugin ? I found an alternative over here
2 June 2009 at 8:37 am #
@SaladFork: Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely implement that when I get home from work today. And yes, it requires all raiders get Bidder to be able to bid on loot, which so far isn’t an issue, although there have been one or two people that insist they can’t use addons.
@Ohmymoogle: Oh wow, that looks really cool, I might have to try it out. Also, to answer the question you posed to Demo, the system does allow you announce in /raid who the winners of each were and how much DKP they paid.
“through his constant, unceasing, incessant nagging forced the guild to adopt them. … And I mean that in a good way.”
Day two and it is still getting a chuckle out of me.
2 June 2009 at 11:45 am #
@Demogar: It’s such a poorly written sentence, I hates it so.
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Unfortunately i am not the guild leader. I really like your mod your guild is using but i seriously doubt my guild would make any effort of implementing it even if it compliments our EPGP system.
This is one of the biggest hurdles. Managing to convince everyone the need to install the required mods.
For example, currently we have one EPGP mod that can view how much EPGP we have but that is about it.
But i do agree this mod your using will make the bidding process more streamlined and convenient for both guildys and the raid leaders for managing dkp/epgp biddings.
I’m still trying hard to get my fellow Paladins to use Pally Power. Some complain that the interface sucks even though i informed them they can resize the window and also hide it with titan plugin to keep it hidden when they want to but still ….
No Bid is better!
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