Naxxramas Drinking Game

So I basically stole the idea and most of the rules from the original created by Vaer of Shadowsong (though with a few dopey rules removed and one or two added), and set up a raid tonight for Naxx10 with the following drinking game guidelines:

1) Killing a boss is a social, the entire raid drinks.

2) If you pick up a gray quality item (armor or weapon), you take a drink.

3) If you die, you take a drink.

4) If it is obvious you wiped the raid (Grobbulus clouds, etc.) you finish your drink.

5) Before you can accept a battle rez you must finish your drink.

6) If you die doing the Heigan dance you must drink continuously during each dance phase you are dead for.

7) If you miss the Thaddius ledge jump you finish your drink. Take a drink if you zap everyone.

8) If you fall off the pre-Gluth pipe finish your drink.

9) If you die on Frogger you must drink once for each person who made it through without dying. Immunity effects are a foul under penalty of chugging a fresh drink.

10) If you loot a green you direct someone else to take a drink (we’ll set the threshold up so everyone can loot greens, but then just pass them to a designated DE’r afterwards).

11) If Embrace of the Spider drops, we all toast Gulliveig and his shitty luck.

I’m interested to see how far we get… and if I’m coherent enough to remember to take screenshots.

2 Comments to “Naxxramas Drinking Game”

  1. Duclama 30 May 2009 at 12:00 pm #

    Sounds interesting, but I would change some of those “finish your drinks” to taking 2 or 3 drinks. Otherwise, you may find yourself healerless or tankless earlier than planned.
    But a fun, fun idea, nonetheless. Just make sure everyone’s over 21.

  2. kyrilean 2 June 2009 at 11:56 am #

    LOL! I know a few people that would be passed out before Anub! :D