The most epic Auriaya kill ever

I seriously need to make sure to always sign off on posts with a little optimism about the upcoming night’s boss attempts, because that does the trick every time. Our one and only goal last night was to down Auriaya, or at least learn the fight some more, and we got her.

But the story isn’t that we downed her, it was how we did it.

It was our fourth attempt and things were starting off very well. The pull went smoothly, no one dying from pounces, and the adds were properly under control. We had learned how tightly we needed to pack to prevent the Feral Defender from being able to pounce, so that damage was kept to a minimum.

After four kills on the FD, we decided it’s damage was minimal enough we could focus on Auriaya so her health was starting to tick down. 60%… fear, interrupt, recovery, good split on the sonic screech… 44%… repeat cycle… 24%… same deal…

Time was starting to tick down on us. She was at around 5% and we were riding the enrage timer hard. At around 1.3% is was declared in vent that she was as good as dead, no worries. And then she feared, and all the dps scattered. The enrage timer ticks the final few seconds. Everyone reforms on the tank and desperately tries to plunk away at that last remaining health.

Only a few thousand hp remain. And then she enrages.

A 92k Sonic Screech immediately wipes out the entire raid.

And then a hunter’s killshot ticks for 11k and kills her.


The achievement flashes on everyone’s screen and we all erupt in shouts and laughter. What an awesome kill! …a little close for comfort, but nonetheless.

Of the loot the Unbreakable Chestguard dropped, which I snatched up (sorry Demo). It’s a nice direct upgrade from my T7.5 chest. Basically BR/BV to more BR/BV, so no avoidance loss, plus a nice gain in stamina and defense (of which I am now stacking WAY too high).

And then after this heroic victory we plunked away at Hodir for a bit, making some significant headway. But then 10 server rolled around and the EST early risers had to go, so we called.

We’ll get him next week.

4 Comments to “The most epic Auriaya kill ever”

  1. Demogar 19 May 2009 at 11:23 am #

    It was a great kill.

    About the loot though I am just as happy you got it as I would have been if I had, so its all good.

    Auriaya seems like one of those bosses that we struggle on the mechanics for the first couple weeks then down her easily from then on.

    I just know Hodir reset with my shield in his pockets… I know it :)

  2. Psynister 19 May 2009 at 12:54 pm #

    An epic kill indeed! A massive enrage attack that wipes the raid followed by an epic crit that seals the deal.

    We had the same thing happen with my mage’s Living Bomb on one of our heroic bosses a few months back. I don’t recall who it was, but we had the sucker down to 1k health twice when we wiped (twice), but the second time my LB exploded with a crit that took him out. Good times.

  3. Falowin 24 May 2009 at 11:39 am #

    “And then a hunter’s killshot ticks for 11k and kills her.”

    Are you SURE???? I could have sworn it was my rupture that got her :P

  4. Rhidach
    24 May 2009 at 7:50 pm #

    Haha sorry Fal. WWS does not lie.