Engineering: here we go again
I was an engineer before WotLK. In fact, I picked up the profession around last May because I was so enamored with the Tankatronic Goggles, which were beyond awesome. Equivalent to T5 gear if I recall correctly.
Now, I’ve always been somewhat of a min-maxer when it comes to professions. When choosing my character’s “job” I look first and foremost as what stats I’m going to get out of it. So, after Wrath was released, I reassessed my professions and decided to drop my previous pair of Engi/BS and start anew as JC/Mining. Which is where I sit today.
But now I think I’ve lost it. I’m going to drop Mining to level Engineering… again.
Why? A couple of reasons: the utility of the repair bots and MOLL-E is nice. The mote extractor is still an ok way to make money (at least for crystallized fire). The haste tinker would be pretty awesome for my Ret set. But, most importantly, the glove tinker for Engineers in currently best in slot.
That 800 armor is the pièce de résistance for me. It works out to about 1% DR when all’s said and done, which is more EH than the 50 stamina that Mining gives me. So I think I’m making a good trade.
Only downside I can see so far is I’m trading a gathering profession for a major gold sink. But, I think in the final analysis it works out.
Here’s a tip to any druids that might be reading this. The 800 armor works on leather too! Guildmate was able to apply it to his leather gloves, that’s a huge bonus for druid tanks.
I love engineering. I’ve been an engineer since the debut of Molten Core, where I fell in love with the Force Reactive Disk schematic. I think I came on too strong though, because she never returned my calls. Sidebar: I should go solo that place and get that thing one of these days.
Engineering though… man that is one unfinished profession. I’d almost settle for Blizz just reorganizing the recipes so that there aren’t three or four Misc headings, a Devices heading, a Parts heading and a Junk heading. I mean we need updated schematics from Vanilla and BC along with some daily quests though, but who’s going to hold their breath for that?
Good luck, I’m about to drop mining in order to grab either JC or BS with Eng. I’m not sure if I like the extra sockets or the Dailies + JC only gems.
13 May 2009 at 11:59 am #
@Ninjasuperspy: You’ll probably get more mileage out of BS in the end. Say for example you have 3 Solid Dragon’s Eyes, that’s 51 stamina more than 3 Solid Sky Sapphires. BSing can only get you 48 extra stam (2 SSSs) right now, but when the epic gems come out BSing will give you 60 extra stam (2 Solid Majestic Zircons). In the long run you’ll get more stats from Blacksmithing, unless Blizz buffs JC-only gems.
@Ridach: Seems about right to me. I’ve got better equipment than the current BS craftables, but those sockets are really compelling. The main draw for me would be the marketability of JC. I can get all those benefits (mostly) with a DK with mining/JC though, so that may also be a plan.
I can’t get rid of Eng though, I’m too addicted to my glove rockets.
@Rhidach: join me Rhidach Wan Kenobi… And together we shall rule the galaxy! *vader breath*
Now, seriously, DON’T get Eng again… go for JC/BS or Enchanting/JC… you will notice the difference. That beiong said, I’m still waiting for my res!
13 May 2009 at 4:34 pm #
@Logan: But… but… but… 800 Armor! Surely that’s better than 48 more stami–oh, I know you’re right. I’m willing to gimp myself in this case. The difference is negligible.
And no rezzes, I never did Redeeming the Dead. :P
@Rhidach: NOw I’m a Very, very very Sad Panda….
well, do the math since those 48 STA are not really 48 STA…. PUt our talents into the mix and dont forget about Raid Buffs (KINGS KINGS KINGS!!!) Plz. And well, I’d Rather have a little bit more HP over 800 AC since my combined avoidance is around 79% without Holy Shield.
oh, and thge 800 AC don’t scale on a raid setting =P
T_T! so… they nerfed Engineering… AGAIN. Now the stealth detection improvements on teh goggles are being removed because it was deemed OP by the QQing PvP community, i mean, they dont even have resilience, and well, the Rogues/Cats will still OWN pretty much everyone.
14 May 2009 at 10:41 pm #
Ah well, I don’t pvp that much so it’s not a huge concern. I wouldn’t even be wearing the goggles since they’re a downgrade.
You are dead set against me picking up Engi, eh? :P
I’m dead set about getting all the mats i need to drop engi and powerlevel my plate covered ass to max lVl JC, but alas… I’m poor.
Granted I am a Warrior but I am sticking with Blacksmithing. Right now it comes down to 550 or so HP after buffs but it offers up more flexibility and helps other specs. Like someone already said when epic gems are released the value of BS will skyrocket.
I am already BS though and the money is an object but I think in the long run I am better off.
15 May 2009 at 8:15 am #
@Logan: Ah, I’ll trade you then!
@Demogar: In terms of pure numbers you’re definitely on the money there. If I was totally min-maxing I’d absolutely grind BSing instead.
@Demogar: yup, if right now you want to min/max, i´d say go BS/JC, so you can get extra sockets and the JC-only gems ( I guess they will get better ones when we get the “regular” epic gems.
WHY OHH WHY !?!?! We get a raid dungeon that doesn’t just “say” but SCREAMS “ENGINEERING!!!!” with all teh giant robots, engines and stuff that is in there, and we are thge only profession that gets NO recipes? I mean, everyone got some new patterns, enchants, formulas, plans, whatever, but us? Nothing!
Oh wait, we got the coolest shit ever: a low level flashlight trinket… awesone!