Shifting v Regal Twilight Opal
With the addition of the Shifting Twilight Opal in 3.1, we should take a look now at whether this will be a better choice for your red sockets than the Regal Twilight Opal. (Sorry if my numbers aren’t exact to 3 decimal places, I rounded up to keep the math clean).
Regal Twilight Opal (with Kings)
8 dodge rating
- .2% dodge
13.2 stamina
- 150 hit points
- 4.4 spell power
Shifting Twilight Opal (with Kings)
8.8 agility
- .17% dodge
- 17.6 armor [.111% physical damage reduction]
- .17% melee crit [affects everything but taunts]
13.2 stamina
- 150 hit points
- 4.4 spell power
So, switching between the two, you gain 17.6 armor and .17% melee crit, but lose .03% dodge. Not a bad trade, and the avoidance losses are probably so minuscule as to make up for the damage reduction and threat gains.
24 April 2009 at 12:51 pm #
So I guess I should learn this new pattern? =X
24 April 2009 at 2:41 pm #
There’s already a huge market for it with Survival Hunters and Feral Druids, so it’s definitely not a bad choice to pick up.