Prot pally 3.1 build, tips and warnings

I’ve been noticing a lot of hits coming my way from people searching for talent builds for their prot pallies. I’ve already laid out how I’m going to spec in this blog, and in fact you can see my build here.

I figured it’d be best to point out for our new tanking brethren in a quick and dirteh fashion which talents you should grab, which you shouldn’t grab as much, and which you should avoid completely.

As an aside, I should point out, I tend to favor a threat-heavy build. Others might lean towards one that dips into the Holy tree. Honorshammer has a great build like this. If you want to see some big numbers, or be the kind of OT that nips at the heels of the MT, I recommend my spec.

Go only 1/2 into Spiritual Attunement. Between Divine Plea and Blessing of Sanctuary, only one point in SA will be enough to keep you rolling in mana.

Avoid Divinity. Reasonable voices may differ on this, but personally I think this talent is woefully underwhelming. 5% +heals isn’t as good as it sounds, and more often than not you’ll find that extra percentage will end up being overheal.

Stoicism is a pvp talent. Sure, it sounds useful, but you’re really only going to encounter stuns and dispells in pvp. It’s a waste of points in pve.

Get Divine Sacrifice/Guardian if you’re an offtank. If you’re MT, you won’t be popping these enough to justify the 3 talent points.

Reckoning is weak. It’s our weakest threat generating talent by far. You’ll be better served putting those points into the Ret tree where the real threat gen talents roam.

Seals of the Pure is also weak. 5/5 SotP is as much threat as 5/5 Conviction, and points in Conviction allows us to get Crusade for even more threat. Skip SotP, get Conviction.

Only go 1/2 Improved Judgements. I don’t want to get into a whole spiel about it, but our best threat rotation is 969 (more info here). Having a 10 second or 8 second Judgement throws off the rotation. One point is all you need!

Crusade is good, very good. Even when you’re not fighting humanoids/undead/etc. Crusade is a huge threat boost. You want this talent, trust me.

If you have any speccing questions, feel free to ask them in the comment to this post or email me at rhidach [at] gmail [dot] com. I don’t mind answering emails.

Happy tanking!

10 Comments to “Prot pally 3.1 build, tips and warnings”

  1. Logan 16 April 2009 at 7:08 pm #

    well, since on my guild we usually swap from MT to OT from fight to fight, I decided to go 0/55/16, as you can see from my armory here:

    however, i do think your build is pretty danm solid

  2. Logan 16 April 2009 at 7:10 pm #

    On a side note: do I have to register somewhere to get a profile on the blog?

  3. Rhidach
    16 April 2009 at 11:10 pm #

    Logan, gimme your belt. I wants it…

    As for profile, I think you have to register as a user with

  4. Tepisor 17 April 2009 at 1:04 am #

    Next time when you link your build, do it on wowhead. You’re retri on armory :)

  5. Tepisor 17 April 2009 at 1:05 am #

    Nvm, I’m teh stupid.

    (wish I could edit comments)

  6. Logan 17 April 2009 at 1:33 am #

    hummm, i was getting the same ret thing about an hour ago, despite me going as prot for the crappiest naxx 25 of my life…

  7. Logan 17 April 2009 at 9:34 pm #

    As for you guys to know…. I JUST GOT GLYPH OF DIVINE PLEA! ( and need to change my pants) 139g on the AH, apparently only one inscriber has it on my server for now, but it sure will help a LOT with mitigation, i mean, a FLAT 3%… Priceless.

  8. Logan 17 April 2009 at 9:35 pm #

    and NO, you cant have my belt, its my preciuossss…. LOGAN! LOGAN!

  9. Rhidach
    17 April 2009 at 11:58 pm #

    You are dead to me now :\

  10. Logan 18 April 2009 at 2:33 am #

    Can I get a Rez?
    i promise to be good…

    On a side note, just got to Ulduar 10 to tank the XT adds, the fight is funny as hell, simple, elegant and requires a low ammount of coordination, and got a nice upgrace chestpiece for my ret set XD