I feel dirty
My mage alt is a scribe, and I’ve been selling the glyphs that I’ve been making as I level Inscription. One of the glyphs I put on the AH was the Glyph of Consecration, which, as we all know, is a terrible glyph.
So I’m greedily pawing through various “Auction Sold” letters on this alt yesterday and I got the gold from selling said godawful glyph. From the name of the character that bought it, I could tell the unlucky purchaser was a tank.
Even though she’s only lvl 37 (as I discovered via the Armory), I feel compelled to send her a tell to implore her not to use the glyph and perhaps offer to sell her a better fitting one. Anything to alleviate my guilt over enabling this budding tank to trod the dark path.
Anything except a refund… I have a business to run after all.
Just so you don’t feel bad. That glyph is actually really really useful, for ret pallies. Currently its one of the best PVE ret glyphs especially in naxx.
For prot, its a whole different story.
9 April 2009 at 1:46 pm #
It might be useful to her if she is aoe-ing while leveling, no?
9 April 2009 at 2:31 pm #
She is missing many of the components of 969 at levle 37. She has Consecration, and Judgement. I don’t even think she has Holy Shield yet. Some things are better as you level than they are at the ‘end game’.
It’s really not bad for a leveling Paladin. She can replace it when she levels up.
9 April 2009 at 3:04 pm #
@HP/HH: Very true but my primary worry is that once the glyph is firmly ensconced in her spellbook it might stay there for good.
Nah, i mean, like Kudia Said (former ret pally here) Its pretty good for the guys with the big guns, it not only gives them a net dmg increase, but also helps them with mana management since they have a pool as smal as ours, AND unlike us, they get heals every now and then ( just to keep them going while they you know, whip themselves to death). besides, as HH mentioned, they dont have a 969 at such a low level ( remember you get ShOR at lvl 75) and well, he/she will have to figure things out in case they dont work well, am i right?