Death to the(ir) king(s)!


This actually happened last weekend, but Enveloping Shadows did a strike against all four alliance leaders. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t think it would go as well as it did.

We had about 30 or so guildees, and pugged the remaining 10 spots. While our forces mustered on the shores of Stranglethorn Vale, the rank and file amused themselves by dueling outside of Grom’gol and repelling any dopey alliance who attacked the settlement while a 30-strong force of Horde sat nearby.

I still question why none of those alliance who saw our huge group didn’t put 2 and 2 together and warn their friends that an attack on Stormwind was probably imminent. Did they think we were putting two concurrent ZG raids together?

Anyways, when everyone finally arrived the shamans cast water walking on the raid and the DKs put up Path of Frost. We then marched north up the coast, along the Westfall littoral, and regathered just south of Stormwind Harbor so we could summon the stragglers. When everyone was ready and buffed, we then let out some cheers of “FOR THE HORDE” and rode north into the Harbor.

We dashed through the city until we made it to the keep. Initial guards were dispatched and I sprung forth, cast my shield at the long-faced thug-king of the Humans, and pulled him into a side room where we would assassinate him in peace. Some token Alliance resistance sprung up attempting to disrupt our attack, but a contigent was left at the entrance to the side room with the charge of keeping the defenders out.

In no short time Varian Wrynn departed this mortal plain (at least until next respawn) and, triumphant and with the taste of blood on our tongues, we exited the Keep and rode for the Tram.

Once in Ironforge the Allies were clearly onto us, and there were some stragglers feebly attempting to protect the Dwarven king. But we smashed through their resistance and once again I pulled the king and held him next to his throne. Magni does this very annoying knockback move that drops threat so I found myself taunting him back more than I cared to. He also hits like a girl as far as I could tell.

In any case, we downed him fairly quickly and the mages hastily threw up portals to Orgrimmar so the raid could escape to safety.

Everyone was then told to regroup at the Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale. After a needed break, and perhaps a little more time than it should have been, the full raid mustered again and we once more buffed. Path of Frost and water walking was spread around and we dashed up the coast to Auberdine where we would hijack a ship to Teldrassil.


Luck favored us clearly, a ship was there waiting for us. We all ran aboard, slaughtered the deckhands, and rode the vessel to the shores of the Night Elves’ new world tree. This time no defenders showed up to stop us, probably based on the fact that no one wanted to trudge all the way out to Darnassus. In any case, Tyrande was put down easily. (More like Whimperwind, amirite? …sorry couldn’t resist.)

And last but not least, Prophet Velen. We took the ship back to Auberdine and found again that there was a boat waiting to take us to the Dranei islands. We hopped aboard and upon exiting quickly stormed the Dranei capital (which was conveniently located right next to the dock). Velen was annoying to kill because he had the audacity to heal himself, but nonetheless he put up little resistance.

The raid victorious, we all trickled away to share our war stories with all those who didn’t care to listen and to collect those large bears that Thrall had helpfully crammed into our mailboxes.

Lok’tar ogar.

4 Comments to “Death to the(ir) king(s)!”

  1. HP
    6 April 2009 at 4:04 pm #

    I got this achievement last month but I would so do the alliance raids again! Before the achievements, I wouldn’t even try to raid ally cities but I’m glad that just because there is the war bear mount as incentive, it means it is feasible to pug ally city raids. I remember one complaint in TBC was the complete lack of world PVP unlike vanilla wow but they have slowly introduced it albeit in terms of raids (ie Wintergrasp).

  2. Rhidach
    6 April 2009 at 4:16 pm #

    I agree, it’s nice to have an incentive to do some world PVP. They should introduce achievements for doing silly stuff like killing opposite faction (but only like max level players so it doesn’t get in the way of leveling) in Hillsbrad/Southshore to incentive-ize the old school world PVP that used to go on there. That was fun.

  3. Doxa
    6 April 2009 at 4:40 pm #

    Congrats, man!

    I still need to do that one. The fact that I know little about it has kept me from trying.

  4. Galyan 7 April 2009 at 4:20 pm #

    I may try to organize something to get this done. Congrats on the achievement.