A tank by any other name would smell

I was tagged by Samodean for a fun little meme going around asking where my characters’ names come from. My main’s name is, of course, Rhidach, which is (according to the Irish-English Oxford dictionary on my bookcase) the Irish Gaelic word for “knight”. I’ve been using it for years for various RPGs.

Fun fact: Google “Rhidach” and every result will involve yours truly in some way.

Other character names include:

  • My original main, Rhidak the Troll Hunter, with no explanation necessary.
  • Draikh the bank alt, whose name is just gibberish that sounds like “drake” when pronounced.
  • Edainn the Mage, whose name is kind of based off the Scottish Gaelic name for Edinburgh, Dun Eideann. I spelled it incorrectly, though.
  • Bhruin the Druid, who was going to be a bear tank (named after mah boys, the Boston Bruins).

As for tagging… I choose Galyan :P

2 Comments to “A tank by any other name would smell”

  1. Galyan 27 March 2009 at 5:30 am #

    Thanks for taggin me. I wrote my bit up a little earlier.

  2. Thundermane 28 March 2009 at 4:15 am #

    I always like subtle meanings in names. I’ve a habit of creating funny names for my alts though.
    My mane prot palli is Thundermane.
    My alt druid is KittyMcBear. My Twink Loc is LocBeALady and my Hunter is TrackersAll.
    I wanted to start a priest name AllyMcHeals