The Fall of Naxxramas

Aha so my prediction was indeed correct. Monday night we stormed into the dread citadel, cast down Thaddius, Saphiron, and then the big guy, Kel’Thuzad. It was the first time we did it, and I was surprised by how smoothly everything went. Thaddius took some practice, if only because some folks had trouble with the polarity charges (Failbot scoldings seemed to take care of that after a few attempts) and then we went on to one-shot Saph and then get KT to 1% first attempt, and finish him off the 2nd. Very, very exciting night.

Even better: I got the Wall of Terror from KT! Truthfully, I’d prefer to have Hero’s Surrender because it’s itemized slightly better, but WoT is awesome for trash. Considering my main role in raids is to absorb lots of trash mobs, it’s definitely a good fit for me in the interim while I wait out Patchwerk dropping the other shield.

All this talk of gear reminds me, I need to update my wish list.

Other to-dos: posts on why expertise gear sucks for pallies, hopefully a post on tankadin changes in 3.1 (since class changes are in the process of being announced), and a gem guide for tankadins.

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