How I’m specced

Long story short, here’s the build I’m currently rocking: 3/52/12.

Primarily I’m acting as offtank for my guild in Naxx right now, in addition to running a multitude of heroics, so there are some “must have talents” I basically designed this spec around:

Pursuit of Justice: For running to pick up my target, not getting melted during Heigan, etc. I honestly don’t care about the reduced disarm, it’s all about the 15% run speed increase.

Heart of the Crusader: Awesome for heroics, great for Naxx if there are no ret pallies (which 75% of the time there are not in our runs). Adds some group utility.

Divine Guardian: A potential life saver in a raid when you’re all taking an obscene amount of AoE damage. Loatheb is a great example. If you don’t need to hold threat, it’s helpful to pop bubble and take 30% of the incoming damage of the table for 12 secs.

And yes, I know, no Kings. Why? Personally, I object to the presumption that I should spend 5 points on this, when it makes much sense for ret pallies building their way up to Improved Hammer of Justice. Of course, but not taking it, I was forced to put 1 point in IHoJ, and had 3 leftover points for Seals of the Pure. Embarrassing, I know.

Honestly, I’ll probably be respeccing and… ugh… picking up Kings in the near future. To accomplish this I’ll drop the 3 points in SotP, 1 in IHoJ, and 1 of the 2 in DG. Inelegant–but I really want to keep PoJ that badly.

You underestimate how fun it is to be able to outrun others.

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