Paladin buff tweaks in Cataclysm
I spotted these on Maintankadin, and figured I’d share.
Resistance Aura — Gives 31 additional Fire, Frost and Shadow resistance to all party and raid members within 40 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.
Makes sense to consolidate all the resistance auras into one. There seems to be some heavy buff stacking going on in Cata.
Blessing of Might — Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing attack power by 11% and restoring 2 mana every 5 seconds for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.
Blessing of Kings — Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing strength, agility, stamina, and intellect by 6% for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.
We knew these were coming, but, most importantly: “If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected“. YES. Do want.
You’re just trying to be lazy and not carry a ton of reagents. Keep packing mule!
10 May 2010 at 3:13 pm #
I did not hear about the Resistance aura unification. That is hot.
Rilgon Arcsinh’s last blog ..The Death of Naught but Pride
Not only can i confirm these from alpha, but they currently have no reagent cost either. I bet we can expect that to change in beta, though.
10 May 2010 at 3:54 pm #
I’m sure too, probably just removing reagents to smooth over the alpha.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rhidach. Rhidach said: New post: Paladin buff tweaks in Cataclysm – [...]
re: number discussion on twitter, level cap is set to 82 and these are the ones you get logging in @ 80. Im sure there will be tweaking in the future.
Oh, the other thing about these. They both last 60 minutes.
11 May 2010 at 8:15 am #
60 minutes buff that covers the whole raid, for whatever their preferred stat is. Why don’t they just make everything 6% easier and remove it altogether? It just seems that whilst they are attempting to make things more fun, stuff like this is taking decision making out of the game. I don’t particularly enjoy the ‘must have pally power’ situation and we are never short of pally buffs or auras (5/12 of our kingslayers are pallies) but if they are removing all if the decision making then why not remove the mechanic altogether? I mean, even if you don’t have a pally in your group (which is unlikely given that they top a lot of dps metres, are arguably the most well rounded, efficient tank and can trivialize mt/ot healing), there are still scrolls/drums. Don’t the buffs seem somewhat redundant? This isn’t a qq rant or anything and I am not trying to be sarcastic, just saying that if they are going to make it THAT simple, why not just take it out? (excuse typos, iPhone)
The Blessings changes are welcome, but the resistance changes due seem to simplify things a little too much. I like some aura planning before bosses.
11 May 2010 at 8:09 am #
True, but tuning’s sake they need to make it possible for 10 and 25 raids to have the same buffs. A 25man raid with three paladins can have all three resistance auras up, while a 10 raid with only one is at a huge disadvantage in that respect.
I don’t like when they take complexity out of the game any more than you do, but this is probably one time when it’s necessary for balance’s sake.
is this about level 1 of those blessings or final level? cause 6% < 10% what we have now with kings?
also blessing of might gives 2mp5 while we have so far 92mp5
or am I just blind and read wrongly?
11 May 2010 at 8:05 am #
I don’t think those are final numbers. I wouldn’t worry about possible nerfs just yet.
Uh not for nothing, but doesn’t this mean the drums are better, since they offer 8%? So it seems that they are going away from classes giving buffs entirely. Mages are getting Bloodlust/Heroism, the drums are giving some version of class buffs for almost everything.
Or maybe they are changing the drums and such too, nothing is certain right now.
Arkaneena’s last blog ..I am Iron Man
Those look like early level spells. Ill check tonight to see what the exact numbers are @ 80.
I don’t like that you can’t have both blessings, but whatever. Am I reading the language incorrectly? They really can’t dumb this game down more, but I’m sure I’ll be proven wrong over the next few months.
“I don’t like that you can’t have both blessings, but whatever.”
How is that any different that the way blessings are structured now?
Most of the buff consolidations are being made so they can actually “attempt” to make 10 mans somewhat difficult and not completely vulnerable to raid stacking.
Blessings where a cumbersome, annoying system that was very vulnerable to breakdown depending on the spec of the paladin trying to buff, or the spec of the person you needed to buff. The system needed to change.
@lebeau, but at what point do you say “there is no decision making here, this is a (as blizz would put it) boring mechanic and it’s time to get rid of it altogether”?
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for simplification, but why not just can it and make it an always on aura? It’s pretty much at that point, given their explaination of it.